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Question: French Revolution Question!?
What happened in the French Revolution after the king was returned to Paris from the flight to Varennes until the Terror began!? What was the Terror!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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oh boy, this brings back memories!. We spent about a or two month of this in school anyway!.

see, the cause of the problem was that France was in major debt cuz of Louis XVI and his wife Marie-Antoinette!. He wants more cash but he cant just randomly tax the people!. to add more tax on the people, he's gotta call a "general assembly" with the people cuz he doesnt have permission to add any more tax without the agreement of people!. general assembly has 3 parts, the church, the nobility, and everyone else!. the "everyone else" wanted more power, but if the ordinary ppl have power, that wud piss off thenobility and the church!. The king liked the nobility and the clergy better than the "everyone else" cuz hes trying to tax them and giving them more power wont help!. During one meeting, he just locked them out and met with only the first 2 estates!. The "everyone else" got pissed, so they met at the tennis court at versailles and did the tennis court oath, which they promised that they will continue to meet until they got a constitution that they liked!. the king couldnt help but listen to him, so he gave them a few more rights and took off some taxes and they left!. then there was this food shortage(look up the women's march on versailles, which came later) , and every1 blamed the nobility!. they also thought the king was getting troops to stop the National Assembly and reinstate royal absolutism (basically means, he rules everyone)!. there was so much tension and anger that the bourgeois (middle class ppl) stormed the fortress prison Bastille!. Crop failure, general havoc and the fear for nobility hiring thugs against the peasant all came together as the Great Fear!. and then later this dude named lafayette wrote the "Declaration of the Rights of Man" with help from thomas jefferson!. it was similar to the constitution but in French form!. ( rights of women came later)!. this is when the Flight to Varennes took place!. they took him back cuz this dude was so arrogant that he had his faced printed on the national coin and a guy in that city recognized him!. (haha, serves him right)!. anyway, the church at this point were now civil servants of the state and were paid salaries by the state!. the national assembly also made rules that only males citizens of a certain wage can vote and many other changes to the gov!. eventually, a Radical political party called the Jacobins took charge of the National Assembly, later, they storm the tuileries, the place where king lived!. he was tried for treason and was guillotined!. this thing called the "Committee of Public Safety" was established in 1793!. (IMO it shud b called committee of terror)!. this marked the beginning of the reign of terror, which is a period of time of great betrayal!. where they have travelling guillotine to kill the people who opposed the regime!. lots of innocent people were killed!. (u cud just point ur finger at some1 and yell traitor and the people will probably kill him or her)!. later, the Thermidorians overthrew the committee and guillotined robespierre, the leader of the committee of public safety!. the people who took over after formed the directory, which lasted 4 years b4 Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew it!.

srry if i suck at explainingWww@QuestionHome@Com

See this article!. It has entries on both parts of your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's an article about The Reign Of Terror

Simply put: It wasnt prettyWww@QuestionHome@Com