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Position:Home>History> Why Jews dont have Civilization ? they dont have a history ? they dont have a cu

Question: Why Jews dont have Civilization !? they dont have a history !? they dont have a cultur, they never a kingdom!?
look at other faiths and other races!. we catholics have our own civilization look at our chruches , we have culture , come here to Rome and see for yourself, we have Roman Catholic Empire!. look at the chineses they had empires for years!. look at their customs and building!. look at the Arabs and Islam,i went to spain and I was Amazed!. look at indians !. pretty much everybody, i looked into jews history, they never had any kingdoms they never had lands or home or somewhere they belong to !.the only kingdom they had was under king david and Salmoon time!. only last 70 years!.!. every empire faught for their rights and for its existance, jews never got any supporters they never speard their religion around!. we hear anti-sem and zionist crap more than jews themseleves!. if they r choosen ones then why they are like that !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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they will give you crap like we dont force people into our religion what does that have to do with building a civilization for humanity !?

i 100 % agree with you!. the jews are the at bottom of the human scaleWww@QuestionHome@Com

You DIN'T look into Jews history!. They had kingdoms, and they lasted for some centuries, then they were conquered by the Romans, their cities destroyed, and their population dispersed!.

What is most puzzling is NOT that their civilization was short, but that their culture survived!. The Romans conquered hundreds of peoples, each with its own religion, language and culture, yet these cultures are now extinct!.

Were are now the Traces, the Gauls, the Phoenicians, and all the others!? All were assimilated in the Empire, and in time all converted to Christianity!.

Only the Jews survived, this proud little people, and maintained its separate culture, religion and tradition for all these centuries!. Not a small feat!. Think of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ancient Hebrews wrote the bible, without whose wisdom, the culture of Islam and the west, would not exist!. Ishmaelite Arabs would still be bloodthirsty animals scrounging the desert for scraps, Europeans would still be barbarians unable, or rather unwilling, to properly wipe their @ss, and Mexicans would still be cutting the hearts out of people for their god Huitzilpotchili!.

Only China and Africa were nice enough people, to not need Hebrew wisdom!

Nicest people I ever met, have almost always been black or Chinese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not going to argue this fact with you, only tell you to look into your history a little better!. The Hebrews started life and a civilization thousands of years before a written language!. They had a civilization much longer and earlier then the Catholic or, Christian religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you went to Spain as you said, you should know that some of the Catholic churches (like Santa Maria La Blanca) were originally Synagogue stolen by the Catholics from the Jews!. The Spanish inquisition was a dark part of the Catholic history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We do not believe in forcing others into accepting our own religion, it's this revolutionary idea called freedom!. Christianity believed that making everyone the same was the answer, the Jewish people let others decide if they wanted to be Jewish or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You appear to be somewhat ignorant of history!. Jews did have their own kingdom, Israel, which was eventually conquered by the Romans!. After the diaspora, Jews spread throughout Europe, and made their own cultural contributions to every country they settled in!. Now they once more have their own kingdom, Israel!.

The fact that, despite centuries of persecution, repression, and even genocide, there are still millions of practicing Jews in the world shows that they are people with remarkable tenacity and a strong faith!. That there are any Jews left at all in the world is a remarkable thing, considering their history!.

You might also consider that the Jewish faith is the basis from which Christianity sprung, there wouldn't be any Catholic church at all if there had not originally been a Jewish religion!. Jesus was a Jew!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uh, it is this sort of arrogance in ignorance that really annoys me!. You say you are catholic (am I too) and yet it would appear as though you have never read the book on which your religion is based!.!.!. the bible!. Maybe you should check it out some time!. If you didn't notice the entire Old Testament talks about the Jews and what they did!. They built cities and temples, but they were destroyed by the Romans!. They did not force other people into their religion, because early on, they didn't want anything to do with non-believers or "gentiles!." The lived a peaceful existence for the most part, but they did battle when necessary!. Are you really that oblivious!?Www@QuestionHome@Com