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Position:Home>History> What was behind Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs? Was it an organiz

Question: What was behind Franklin D!. Roosevelt's New Deal programs!? Was it an organized ideology or something else!?
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FDR admitted that he was no economist!. He tried to help with the problems caused by the Great Depression by seeking help from those with experience!. The New Deal was not planned in advance!. The Roosevelt administration simply tried various approaches!. Those that worked remained, those that didn't were replaced with other agencies!. Basically it was an experiment to try and solve the economic problems of the Depression!. It did turn out to be a turning point in the history of US government!. Never before had the people looked to the federal government for immediate aid on such a large scale!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, Roosevelt didn't actually plan how to deal with the depression on any clear ideology when he entered office, but there was just a growing sentiment, popular and academic, within politics, the general populace and growing social movements, that more government intervention was needed to solve the suffering of the depression and that something had gone wrong with the merciless capitalism of the 1920s!. There was also a general international trend towards greater state intervention!. These fed the sentiments of the administration and its initiatives, but there wasn't any broad master plan behind it!.

Sparky, I'm sure we all appreciate that fantastic intellectual and empirically argued contribution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that it was two fold!. One, it was to help the nation during the Great Depression!. Although he probably knew that it would not have any lasting effect, the programs helped with self-esteem of the nation and the people looking for jobs!.

The other and less known effect of the New Deal was to help save the country from communism!. By going with a more moderate form of socialism, he stemmed the tide of the more extreme form in the United States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FDR thought the government ought to be doing SOMETHING as opposed to what the Hoover administration had been doing, nothing!.

FDR tried anything and everything he thought would help!. Some of the programs were later determined to be unconstitutional, but I doubt that any of FDR's advisers even considered that angle!.

Most of the people in the US admired FDR for trying to help people, even if the programs were sometimes ineffectual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"organized ideology"!? I do not know but FDR saw the poverty (if not misery) of a great number of Americans, and he decided to do something!.

But can you be more specific!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The First New Deal was shut down by the supreme court because it was too socialistWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Raw Deal, as I call it, was socialism plain and simple!. FDR's wife was a socialist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com