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Position:Home>History> What was the biggest volunteer army that has ever existed?Approx. how many peopl

Question: What was the biggest volunteer army that has ever existed!?Approx!. how many people were in it!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The largest army composing of volunteers only was the British Indian Army, this was a proper volunteer army, no call-up letter or other coercion - just India men going to the barracks & offering themselves for service !. During WWII some 2!.5million passed through the ranks with forces in the field often numbering over 1M!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pretty sure it was the Roman army!. During the time of the legions each one had about 3,000 men not including officers (or what we call officers)!. At the height of the legion, there were 25 or so different units!. That was only the infantry, too!.!.!.there were whole auxiliary units, as well as later on some cavalry units!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maoist revolutionary army!.Millions!Www@QuestionHome@Com