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Position:Home>History> What is role of CHURCH in politics of UNITED KINGDOM and USA?

Question: What is role of CHURCH in politics of UNITED KINGDOM and USA!?
did church also played a role in politics of usa and uk
give your answer in points like

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) The Church is the whole reason the United States exists in the first place!. The Puritans, were a branch of Christianity that originally was a part of the Anglican church!. The Anglican church did not like their "liberal" views on doctrine, particularly the view that sex between husband and wife should be enjoyed!. The Anglican church of the time held, reproduction only!. The Puritan church held "its my spouse, and I wish to enjoy them!." Because of that view, the Anglican bishop had many sent to the tower of London!.

2) The Church destroyed the culture of the native americans, but it also saved their lives!. Outright extermination in north america, was only made possible by the fact that prostenanism was a little less, shall we say, extreme, as Roman Catholicism practice by Spain!.

3) The Church, is what ultimately granted slaves their freedom, and the civil rights movement possible!.

4) It shapes the mentality of the majority of americans and UK types, although, most UK types are atheists!.

The influence of the church in the U!.S!. and the U!.K!., goes well beyond politics!.

Historically though, the Protestant church, or the various branches, have never been the enemies of Islam!. Traditionally, it has always been Catholics!. From the wars in Spain and Italy to throw out the Arabs, to the Crusades, it was all the hand of the Popes in Rome!. Pope Benedict's statement regarding Islam was inflamatory because of the bad blood between that branch of Christianity, and Islam!.

While many american soldiers are secular, or rather under a secular government, most come from protestant families, although, Muslims see the U!.S!. as a secularist enemy, rahter than a religious one!. In a lot of ways thought, most Muslims would prefer to have Catholics for enemies, if there was no choice but to fight, rather than enemies who "believe in nothing!."

Hope that answers the question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I should know this one!.!. having a masters so lets try!.!. the role of the church in politics is a difficult one!.!. very tentative and this applies equally to the uk and the usa!. most leading archbishops take a back seat in getting involved in politics but there are those who (when it threatens their religious stance) come out of their shells and say something about the current situation!. For example, the catholic stance against abortion vs general social opinion!. It is, i feel a battle that will never be won until the church generally begins to accept that times have indeed changed and that the most important role of the church is to serve the community (and therefore the people in it)!. I think therefore that their defining role ought to be adapting to the needs and responding to the needs of the people!. Whether you believe genuinely that this involves having a more active side in politics or less active rather depends on how you see the role of the church developing in the future!. When they come out and speak against political decisions currently they always seem a little bizzare and terribly out of date!. Its a matter of choice of the individual therefore on how much political involvement there is within churches!. I believe that there ought to be a move towards a general policy on politics within the church establishments!. That way one could clearly define what exactly their role is and they could then work within accepted boundaries instead of appearing as they currently are!. I know this is a complicated subject and the answer isnt clearly defined but i do hope this helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.The church and state are separated in the UK!. Although politicians like to come acrross as christian!.The church is not allowed to interfere in political decisions!.
Not so sure about the USA where politicians of any presuation,invoke the blessings of God!. Stands to reason if politics use religion!.So too can the church,enter the politial arenaWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Church are there to blackmail people into believing that paradise awaits them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com