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Position:Home>History> Avianca 52 boarding time?

Question: Avianca 52 boarding time!?

it was a disaster that happened in 1990!. I cant seem to find out what time the plane left Botoga!. Can someone help me plz!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was around 1:34 pm!.

It arrived at Medellin at 2:04 after a half hour flight from Bogota!.

It left Medellin at 3:08 pm, a few minutes late!.
It had more than 12,000 gallons of fuel on board, enough to go to another airport 200 miles away and circle for another 30 minutes if necessary!.

It reached its holding point off Atlantic city at 7:42 pm with about 2,500 gallons!. It crashed at 9:34 running out of fuel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com