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Question: Help! The Holocaust!!?
I can't find the answers to these questions :( :
-Describe the allied liberation of concentration camps and the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, which dealt with those Nazi war criminals that were captured!.

-The reasons for anti-Jewish feeling in Europe before the Nazis came to power in 1933!? What forms did the expression of these feelings take!?

-The forms the Final Solution took and what results it had!.

Thanks soooooooooooooo much! xxxxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hitler brought up old prejudices against Jews and added that the Jews were the reason that the Germans lost World War I!. Many Christians hated Jews for the death of Christ!. Others hated Jews because the Jews would charge interest for loans!. At one time the Catholic Church forbade Christians from charging interest for loans!. So Jewish people who often were not allowed to buy property made money by charging interest to Christians that needed to borrow money and couldn't get it from anyone else!.

The rest of the informtion is on the links below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just so you know--and aoao cleverly hinted at this--the way you ask your question is offensive to some!. There is nothing frivolous or perky associated with The Holocaust!. It is too close in time to drape it in anything less than solemness or, at least, restraint!.

"Describe the allied liberation of concentration camps!." The best way to do this is to imagine one of your grandfathers being a teenager, very, very far from home and scared to death, and coming across an indescribably horrific scene of human misery!. And, he's freeing them and saving their lives!! What a strange and exhilarating feeling that must have been for our grandfathers!. And, to add to it, many were meeting a Jew face-to-face (such as it were) for the first time!.

"The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, which dealt with those Nazi war criminals that were captured!." This was a political (and legal) issue after the war which, however, was necessary and a reaffirmation of the world's outrage!. The term was not used then, but it did provide some "closure!."

"The reasons for anti-Jewish feeling in Europe before the Nazis came to power in 1933!? What forms did the expression of these feelings take!?"

"The forms the Final Solution took and what results it had!."

Too overwhelming!. Someday, read Saul Friedlander's "The Years of Extermination," published last year!. Then, if you want, the first book in the series!.

You're very welcome!. xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's obvious that the reason the Germans enslaved and killed the Jews was to get their money!. Throughout European
history, that sort of thing has happened!. It happened during the Spanish Inquisition, and it happened during the Crusades!.

The main reason that it CAN happen is of course the hate propaganda that has always been carried on, against the Jews!. That makes the general public apathetic, when the persecution starts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i suggest that you check out the unequal group on the history of the Holocaust on the internet !. Remember_The_Holocaust@yahoogroups!.com Go to Yahoo groups and type in: Remember_The_Holocaust!. You would find in it over 12,500 postings covering every aspects of the Holocaust history , human rights,other genocides against non jews,!. tolerance education, etc!.The membership has 200 from all 5 continents!. You may want to join the group !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best site is the Yad Vashem website in Jerusalem which is the largest repository of Holocaust data!. See


You can search individual periods and topics under their education section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Help The Holocaust - do they need funding!?
do your own hwWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bravo Canebrake --- THUMBS UP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com