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Question: Do you like Anne Boleyn!?
Do you like Anne Boleyn!? What are your oppinions on her!? Discuss here! (BTW!.!.!.she is my favorite person :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love her!. At least I love learning more about her and would really love to jump back in time and meet her just to see what she is really like!. I want to know if she was a home wrecker, misunderstood, ambitious, forced into a life by her family!? I want to know who Anne Boleyn really was!. I'd love to know if I met her today if I would think she a snob or totally cool or what!?

I am fascinated looking at her life!. Definitely one of my favourite historical figures - very intriguing story/facts!. Her daughter Elizabeth I is a pretty fun person to learn about too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The real Anne Boleyn, was uncommonly ugly, and only charmed Henry VIII with her intelligence!. The truth is she wasn't beautiful; far from it!. Now, her sister Mary, she was the pretty one, so in truth only one sister was pretty!.

Hey! Scarlett Johansson wins! She got to play the sister who was historically pretty!


Actually, the reverse of "The Other Boleyn Girl" is true; it was Mary, not Anne, who was the scheming trollop, and Henry eventually grew tired of her because she was, well, a *****!. Anne on the other hand, was more down to earth and this charmed him!.

However, both Mary and Anne ended up losing their heads, Henry had them both executed!.

Mary because he just couldn't stand her, and Anne because what started out as genuine love, became a psychotic obsession, and he accused her of adultery, or he started to, just fo LOOKING at other men!. Poor Anne was not even flirtatious or anything, in time, with a completely made up adultery accusation, he had her head chopped off but to show her he still loved her, he told her he would make sure the executioner would have a sharp axe!.

Wait, no, I'm wrong; Mary he had executed with an axe, but Anne, to show her he loved her, he had beheaded with a sword, because a sword stroke was quick and painless, you know, to show her how much she meant to him!.

Wasn't Henry just a sweetheart!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it depends on the light you look at her in!. If you only view her as the woman the ended the king's marriage to Queen Catherine, then she's a ***** and got what she deserved in the end!. But if you look at her as the woman the stole the kings heart, and tried to provide him the an heir, then she's more of the victim, as opposed to the antagonist!. Either way, I'm not on of her fans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she was a manipulating woman that got what she deserved from another one!. However she had a very fine daughter!. However her father may have done the bulk of the manipulation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah yes!.!.!. Anne Boleyn!.!.!. who was well known for that memorable phrase!.!.!. "LOOK!.!.!. WHAT'S THAT IN THE ROAD!?!.!. A HEAD!?"!.!.!. or that other memorable phrase!.!.!. "Hey!.!.!. let's not be losing our heads over this"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not particularly!. I do like her daughter though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com