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Position:Home>History> What legal justifications for secession did TEXAS present?

Question: What legal justifications for secession did TEXAS present!?
With this question im a bit confused, i dont know if it is related to
the 4th article of the federal constitution and Divine Law


"higher law" than the constitution and laws of our Federal Union, and virtually that they will disregard their oaths and trample upon our rights!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For one, Texas had been an independent country prior to joining the United States!. The concept of Succession were proposed by both Jefferson and Madison in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions!. The Constitution and the establishment of the Federal government came about by ratification of each state individually!. also note that some states passed resolutions upon ratification of the constitution that they reserved the right to withdraw when they saw fit!. (Virginia for sure and I think Connecticut and New Hampshire were others but not 100% for sure on them)!. The logic was this - Since the States voted themselves "IN" the Union, the States reserved the right to vote themselves "Out" at any time they saw fit, for whatever reason!.

For a study in Succession, also note that several New England states threatened to succeed during the War of 1812!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think what your question is asking about is the secession of Texas from Mexico OR is making a Civil War reference!.

Remember the Alamo!? Texas was part of Mexico and sucessfully seceded from Mexico with the leadership of Sam Houston and Stephen F Austin!. Hence the cities' names!. Texas was an independant country for a number of years afterwards and then joined the USA!.

Texas in 1861 joined the Confederacy, like the rest of the South, and declared war on the USA!.

Hope this helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sambo nailed it!.
The Republic of Texas, an independent nation, reserved the right, in writing, the ability to withdraw from the Union whenever it wanted to!. Came in handy - although they chose the wrong side!.

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