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Position:Home>History> Who do you think killed JFK?

Question: Who do you think killed JFK!?
conspiracy, Oswald!.!.!.!.!.!.!.what do you think!?!?!? What stories have you heard!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've never been convinced that it was Oswald!. Within seconds of the shooting he was seen by a police officer in the lounge of the book depository calmly drinking soda pop!. He could not have gotten from the sixth floor to the lounge without being winded and without being seen!. also, several experts tried to fire three shots from his rifle in the amount of time that he supposedly did the deed, but none have been able to do so!. The rifle is a piece of crap!. also, the idea that one bullet wounded both JFK and Governor Connelly is not tenable!. No bullet has ever behaved as the "lone gun man people" want us to believe!. also, Oswald didn't have a compelling motive!.

I believe that the people responsible were the CIA and the Mafia, acting in concert because Kennedy failed to provide air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion, a not so covert action by anti-Castro Cubans!. The Mafia was involved because they lost millions of dollars when Castro closed the casinos and whorehouses in Havana!.

How did they do it!? One man on the 6th floor of the book depository (the Oswald rifle was planted there to implicate O!.) and at least one man on the grassy knoll, behind the fence!. Both fired twice!. First shot from the depository missed and struck the curb on the opposite side of the underpass!. The next came from the grass knoll and went through the base on Kennedy's neck on the right side from front to back (this bullet was never recovered because no one was looking for it)!. The second shot from the depository went through Governor Connelly's wrist and then into his leg!. The second from the grassy knoll struck Kennedy on the right front of his skull and torn off all but a flap of his scalp while mortally wounding him!.
The audio tape made from the open mike on the police motorcycle has four shots, two of which are almost on top of each other!. Some forensic audiologists have tried to explain the second of these as an echo cause by the underpass!.
Sure, Gerald Posner tried to explain this away in "Case Closed" but I didn't find it satisfactory!.
By the way, the conspiracy theorists who try to place LBJ at the center of this are full of !.!.!.!.!. He was good man who worker tirelously for the American people!. No one has ever produced a scintila of evidence that he knew anything about the K assassination before it happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oswald!.!.!.with a rifle!.!.in the book depository!.

During Marine bootcamp he qualified as a "Marksman!." So a shot from that distance/angle would be easily attainable!.

Watch the video!.!.it debunks several conspiracy theories

Oswald also tried to kill a 4 star military before JFK!.!.!.the guy was crazy and he wanted to make a name for himself!.

Anyone who mentions the magic bullet is retarded!.!.!.!.JFK was higher elevated than the governer!.!.he was also positioned NOT directly behind him!.

Oswald also tried to live in Russia!.!.but he was such a putz they wanted him out!.!.!.he didnt want to leave so he attempted suicide so he could stay a little longer while he was recovering!. Once he left they wouldn't let him back him!.!.!.he was a socialist and hated his government!. and a nutjobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oswald did it!. It's all but been proven by modern forensic science!. You can argue that someone paid him or conspired, perhaps, but in the end Oswald pulled the trigger!. There is no doubt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The illuminiti set that up because in his last speech he ratted them out !. Check the link out!.!.!. Oh & by the way conspiracy theroy doesn't make a possible answer fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just think it was a jealous person Somebody told me it was Abe Lincoln !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Johnson!.!.!.he wanted the Oval Office something fierce, I reckon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was elvis, everyone nows thatWww@QuestionHome@Com