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Position:Home>History> What was the cause of the civil war, and where did it take place????

Question: What was the cause of the civil war, and where did it take place!?!?!?!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Civil war is a term that doesn't describe any war in particular, it's a military conflict hi ch arises from a desire for usually radical change in society as a result of either cultural, social, religious, political or economic disputes due to diametrically opposed and uncompromising ideas about the leadership, administration and management of the population and territory it occupies, and which is resolved through use of weapons!. The opponents are usually representatives of the same culture, society or nationality, and contest the right for the control of political power, and with it the right to formulate policy for future administration of the population and resources of the territory where the dispute takes place!.

Some civil wars may be preceded by a revolution when the major societal restructuring is attempted through a rapid and sudden effort to change the existing governing authority by force!. A slow attempt to change the existing governing authority by force is called an insurgency, and whether successful or not, is likely to be classified as a civil war by some historians[citation needed] if, and only if, opposed by organized armed forces that seek to fight the insurgents using conventional tactics!. Some historians[citation needed] define the civil war as a prolonged violence between organized factions or defined regions of a country,conventionally fought or not!.

If you mean the Amrican Civil War, then it took place in the USA (apparently:) and was fought between the North (the UNion) and the South (Confederate States of America )!. The cause of war was, in a nutshell , slavery!. The northern states wanted to abolish slavery, whereas the southern states wanted to keep the things the way they way!. The war ended in 1865!.

Other "famous" civil war were:

- civil war of the 1640s in England which led to the temporary overthrow of the monarchy

- Spanish civil war in the 1930s
-civil war in Crotia (1991-1995)

for more information check out those sites:


The major cause of the Civil War was the issue over states' rights versus the power of the national government!. The South claimed that the states had entered into the Union by accepting the Constitution!. But, they felt, the North and West had amassed power in the national government (the issue of sectionalism) and the South had no recourse but to call conventions to undo their acceptance of the Constitution and to secede from the Union and form their own national government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The cause was the south firing on Fort Sumpter in Sc!. It took place mainly in the south, but also places like New Mexico, Vermont,at sea, but basically from the Midwest to the deep south, from Penn, and Maryland to Florida, Check out the mason Dixon line , and Battle maps in the Harper's Weeklies newspapers from the warWww@QuestionHome@Com

though many people say the cause of the civil war is slavery slavery was only one problem, the south felt like the north was oppresing them just like when the colonies though brithish was oppresing them during the revolutionary war

it was more that there was sectionalism wich you support you state or local region instead of nationalism wich is supporting the nation, also they had no idea what each other was like and they imaged each other to be bad from stories they heard

the civil war took place mostley in the south and only to battles were fought in the north,

some battles were even fought in the west

hope that helps!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Information for the American Civil War below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try googling causes of the civil war and civil war battlefields!. You'll get all the answers you need!.

I am willing to help with your homework but I'm not going to do it for you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which Civil War!? The English, the American, the Russian, the Spanish!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the civil war for which country!?Www@QuestionHome@Com