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Position:Home>History> What historic places would be great for a psychic resurrection?

Question: What historic places would be great for a psychic resurrection!?
I think Tower of London would be good as it has lots of history of kings and queens, and prisoners being executed!. Where else do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi R!.
How about;
Bosworth Hall", which is to be found at Market Bosworth, in Leicestershire, England, R they say it's haunted!.
Hampton Court Palace,old Henry V111 favorite place!. Think about all the things that went on there could be a fun weekend
Good luck my friend,

I have never HEARD of a "Psychic Resurrection"!.!.!. this sounds like another of those terms young people make up when they don't know what something has been called for hundreds of years!.

Can you at least EXPLAIN what this "Psychic Resurrection" is!? Or, better yet!.!.!. can you just call it by what it's always been called so we can know and help you with an answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

what is a psychic resurrection!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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