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Position:Home>History> Question about Jewish women during the Holocaust?

Question: Question about Jewish women during the Holocaust!?
Were they raped by the Nazis and the others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I recently had a trip to the Imperial War Museum, and yes theres considerable documented evidence of the soldiers raping Jewish women!.

Not just written evidence either, but you can also so photographic evidence on show there!. Considering that they were considered to be sub-human it does make you wonder!. But I guess human nature can be stronger that ideological beliefs!.

Rassenschande did mention mating / marriage between, the Aryans and Jews, but it didn't particularly include or stipulate cases of rape!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, there were numerous instances of rape and also instances where the more attractive women who were fresh off the trains (and hadn't been starved so the resembled skeletons) were used in camp bordellos or as mistresses for senior officers!. And yes, it was more than just jews!. And yes, nazis as well as kapos engaged in this behavior!.

But on the whole, the vast majority of females sent to camps were not raped!. It has nothing to do with propriety or good behavior by some camp guards, it's simply that many went from trains to the showers--no time to be raped!. Or guards were too busy looting goods or exhibiting other outrages against humanity (sicking dogs on people, playing games with death as the penalty for losing, etc!.)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a rule no!. Because Jews were seen to be nothing more than animals!. Hence their being gassed to death with pesticides normally used on cockroaches!. Any Nazi caught with a Jewish woman faced the death sentence for what was called "rassenschande!." Meaning as much as "race shame," meaning he betrayed his Aryan race by copulating with such an inferior being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they did!. Any act of violence, any act designed to humiliate, dehumanize was perpetrated upon Jewish people!. Women were particularly vulnerable!. It wasn't' only the Jewish women, either!. Roma women, any woman sent to the camps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. have you ever VISITED any of the hundreds of Holocaust museums around the world or READ some of the thousands of books about the Holocaust!? You would know the answer to your question is YES!.!.!. and in wholesale quantities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com