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Question: Did the hippy movement die!?!?
If so why and was anything to do with Charles MansonWww@QuestionHome@Com

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As a mass movement it certainly withered away and there were several incidents that changed the mood of young people, contributing to its demise!. The Charles Manson murder of Sharon Tate was one such incident!. Another was a Rolling Stones concert, I think at Monterey where the Hells Angels who were supposed to be stewards killed some of the audience!. I can't remember the details but I am sure you could find out more on the web!.

Perhaps the biggest thing that killed it off was the fact that most of us grew up, sold out got married and had 2!.4 children in little houses in suburbia!.

It was great at the time and we believed we were going to change to world but I guess the world changed us!.


The only thing Manson did for the hippy movement was show them what can happen when you go on a bad LSD trip!. He also wrote a few songs that The Doors and Beach Boys recorded, but none of those ever charted!.

The hippy movement officially died when the Vietnam War ended and disco took over the world!. Hippies suddenly became old and they realized they were what they'd been fighting against their whole lives!. Instead of keeping up the fight to try to improve humanity, they simply did what every other generation has done, they sold out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, lets straighten out the Manson thing!. Was he a "hippie"!? Nope, sorry!. He was more along the lines of a Jim Jones, minus religion!. Clothing, music, long hair, drugs, yep, he had all the outward appearances!.!.!.!.but, and this is a big but!.!.!.!.he was a violent, demented man!. The hippies were all about peace, love, change the world, no more war, set society on its ear and get them to listen!. The wanted freedom from the restraints and restriction of the established more of society!. They wanted to break the gender role molds, experience life in something more than marry, have kids, work, grow old and pass it on!.
The hippie movement didn't' quite die so much as fade and turn into the next popular movement!. Today we can see the root of it still in every anti-war protest, every save the world action!. The hippies were nothing more, and certainly nothing less, than groups of younger generation wanting change!. The name "hippie" may have been coined for a certain generation, but they existed before the 60's/70's and continue now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes thats true!. The hippy movement was kept alive through the arts movement in the 60's - music,literature,poets and other dramatic artists!. Its fluidity was spontaneous alive and free,thats why is was so magical!. People had the notion that the 60"s was a magical era in which it was peace,love,freedom of expression, but what killed its dream were a couple of things!. firstly the assasination of Dr martin LUther King who symbolised peace & unity for the brotherhood of man (black,white,red,yellow) also Bobby Kennedy in "68!. His death triggered the shock and horror of his more famous bro John f Kennedy!. America was in mourning from these two tragedys, but what really pushed the end of the movement was the killing of sharon Tate by manson and his cult movement and the murder of an Afro American at Rollingstones concert in America in 1969!.
Charles Manson symbolised the dark reality of the 60"s ,people were living in their own illusionary bubbles without the slightest inclination that anything could go wrong as the 60"s music was a bubble of hope and optimism!.
Peoples dreams and hopes came crashing down to the ground with the horror of this heineous crime!. It was equal to the assasination of John Lennon and the twin towers in 2001!.
tragedies like these usually pierced persons perceptions of the world that is around them, thus darkeneing the reality of ow they perceive the world after the events!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no its not dead!.!. there are still neo-hippies!.!. this is what was said in wikipedia!.!.!.

"Neo-hippies, some of whom are sons, daughters and grandchildren of the original hippies, advocate many of the same beliefs of their 1960s counterparts!. Drug use is just as accepted as in the "original" hippie days, although most neo-hippies do not consider it necessary to take drugs in order to be part of the lifestyle, and others reject drug use in favor of alternative methods of reaching higher or altered consciousness such as drumming circles, community singing, meditation, yoga and dance!.

In the United States, some hippies refer to themselves as "Rainbows," a name derived from their tie-dyed T-shirts, and for some, from their participation in the hippie group, "Rainbow Family of Living Light"!. Since the early 1970s, the Rainbows meet informally at Rainbow Gatherings on U!.S!. National Forest Land as well as internationally!. "Peace, love, harmony, freedom, and community" is their motto!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Arguably the 'hippie' movement has always existed as part of an eternal counter culture, think of Christ or Socrates as examples- those that spoke up for the hippies such as Timothy Leary certainly did!.

As for today I believe you can see the reinvented hippies in places like Goa- it may be relabelled New Age but the sentiments are the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

charles manson had nothing to do with anything hippie related!.

If you go to a psy trance party, you'll see the answer is no- it is still rifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever heard of Widespread Panic!? The String Cheese Incident!? Rat Dog!? Moe!? Checkout Jambase!.com to see a list of the shows us longhairs will be at this summer!
Charles Manson was a hippy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

all as I can say is still a bit of a free spirited girl here, am a free soul and just myself, don't follow what society expects us to, live a quiet life, and before you say it I will say it first, Peace!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No way man!. The Hippy movement has not and will not die!. I know a lot of hippies, but that could be because I spend a lot of time in Boulder, CO lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nah, we're still around and now most of us are just looking for hip replacements now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
