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Question: The writings of the Bible!?
Do Biblical scriptures differ in any significant way from secular writings of the same time period!? If so how!? Is there anything that suggests the writings in the Bible were indeed divinely inspired!? Please no negativity, just a simple question out of curiosity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Secular history tells of events AFTER they happen, the bible predicts events BEFORE they happen!. going back from the Roman empire, and farther back to the Greek, the Babylonian, Asyrian, again the Babylonian and back all these empires were predicted to rise before it actually happened, that should be enough to prove that the bible is devinely inspired, it should also be added that the bible did predict that Isreal would again become a nation, and it did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In most translations of the Bible a committee of scholars has reviewed the writings and agreed they are divinely inspired!. Some similar writings have been rejected by these committees, and some passages have been added following discoveries of ancient scriptures such as the Dead Sea Scrolls!.

Many old and large Bibles include the Apocrypha, which is generally considered to be writings that support Scriptures, but cannot be defended as divinely inspired!.

Generally the scholars look for consistency with accepted Scriptures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the bible but i just don't understand how over time that the bible is actually still the same as it was first written!. its impossible because if u look at old bibles the writtings r that "hard to decode" english and today they have been conviently translated into Student Bibles, who translated them!? how!? and how many times has it been "translated"!? i've always wondered about the authencity of the bible and with different religions, do their bibles have the same words and if so how come there r different religions if we r all reading from the same book! i just don't get it!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some do and some don't!. The Bible by in large corroborates archaeological findings including other ancient texts!. Sometimes they are in conflict!. In the case of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are often completely different narratives to follow, but they mention the scripture in ways that confirms their existence at the times!. Some books of the Bible were rejected for their differences!. The so-called Gnostic Gospels run along the lines of what some would call blasphemy!. These were rejected early on, but are the centerpiece for stories like the Da Vinci Code!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

biblical scriptures go back a looong time!. they were basically an oral tradition til moses set a bunch of em down, and were added to over a period of several thousand yrs!. there r some really good pbs specials on the creation of the christian bible and how it was decided what to put in and what to leave out!. this included not only the books of the new testament but also the books of the old !. lots of things were left out that r still argued about today, gospel of timothy just to name one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no references to any events recorded in the Bible in any other contemporaneous records!. Nothing!. Not in Egyptian texts or Persian texts or Assyrian texts!. Nothing in Roman texts, except a couple of dubious interlineations!. Nothing at all!. The only divine inspiration is of the imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have tried to read the NIV but found that parts of it when they translated it from King James lost the content/mean't different from KJV!. King James version I understand perfecftly as is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com