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Position:Home>History> Why are you blacklisted if you question history?

Question: Why are you blacklisted if you question history!?
if you question any aspect of the holocaust, you are labled a "denier"!. in germany you go to jail for it!. what kind of historical fact is the holocaust that it cant survive without the threat of jail!? if we as americans speak out against the jailing of journalists in Iran, why do we sit by and allow historians like david irving be jailed and say nothing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's very inconvenient for a lot to allow objective questions related to history!. A good example these days is the arrogance of politicians and other non-scientists to flatly state that Global Warming and its cause are a fact and nobody can question this!. Any scientist who provides evidence of cyclic phases of warming and cooling of the earth are openly brandished as stupid deniers!. Why is this: there are self-anointed "leaders" (Al Gore et al) who make a fortune with their demagoguery!. A whole new industry is popping up to also benefit!.
Now translate this to your question!. The public in the USA and Germany has been systematically brainwashed to not question anything related to the holocaust!. There are only a few (like Irving) who try to correct the obvious crass and extreme distortions of many facts (however horrific they may have already been) by the ever increasing numbers of so-called "victims" and "survivors" and their hateful and revengeful followers and supporters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reality of Holocaust can well survive without the threat of jail as it does in the US!. Germany is a special case as it was the creator and executor of that horrible event, they don't want to forget and they will not accept people who just shrug away that horror and deny the pain, terror and suffering of millions of people!. They see it as you would see someone who would go in a cemetery, dig out the bodies and urinate on them!.

In Turkey you go to jail if you dare call the massacre of 2 millions Armenians a genocide, or even if you say that it happened!. I don't see you protesting about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All ideas do NOT carry the same validity!. Holocaust deniers have not offered up a viable historical hypothisis of what happened to all the jews, never mind others, who were killed during the war years!. Or of why certain orders were given, the camps were built!. The Holocaust is demonstrated true by the variety and amount of evidence!. But Holocaust deniers seem to think that by attacking any single bit of evidence they somehow disprove the entire event!. Worse, deniers tend to distort their claims, selectively pick from the evidence while ignoring other information, and otherwise "not playing fair"!. As for the jail sentence, that's a result of the laws that came into place after the War!. And while I personally disagree with those laws,that does mean that I see a need to take a denier seriously!. And yes, I've read the claims first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Holocaust is a fact, proven by a great deal of evidence, including that of the perpetrators as well as of the survivors and people such as my uncle who liberated the death camps!.

You are free to choose to go against all the evidence and deny it happened, but why would you!? Germany doesn't jail deniers in order to keep a historical fact alive - they jail them because deniers are anti-Semites and in denying the Holocaust they are committing a hate crime!.

also, David Irving wasn't jailed for writing history, he was jailed for fraud for publishing lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People do protest against Turkey ignoring the Armenian genocide including people in governments around the world!.
This question is not about ignoring fact, but about people being allowed to question the details of accepted history!.
We know that the claims for instance of lampshades made of human skin and soap made from human fat are false, no credible person would say these lies, yet I was taught them at school!. What else has potentially been exagerated is worthy of study, especially in Germany whose ancestors and elder people are said to be responsible for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a historian myself and don't see anyone being blacklisted or jailed here in the U!.S!. for offering revisionist history!. In Germany the Holocaust, which is well documented, is no doubt a more sensitive issue than here but we Americans don't have much control over that!. In this country you may be criticized for going against the grain but you're not likely to be jailed simply for having an alternate historical viewpoint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Questioning a thesis without offering a thesis of your own is a bit of a shallow endeavor, dont you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

History is always written by the Victors, and they play dirty!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com