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Position:Home>History> Chris Columbus?

Question: Chris Columbus!?
who were the Native Amercians that greeted Chris and his pals when they l landed on plymouth rock!? how did plymouth
rock get its name!? chris and his pals were greeted with hospitality or was my history book wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Columbus didn't land at Plymouth Rock, that was the Pilgrims!. The Indians there when the Pilgrims arrived were the Wampanoag Indians, their leader's name was Massasoit!.
Columbus never did set foot on the mainland of North America!.
The Wampanoag were hospitable and helped protect the Pilgrims from Indian tribes that were hostile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know of the name of the tribe that met Columbus, but as said previously the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts!. Where they came onto land there was a large rock, which they named Plymouth Rock!. I am not 100% sure why they named it Plymouth Rock, but the only thing I can think of is that they left Plymouth, England!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cristobal Colon arrived to America for the Caribbean Islands!.He called Santo Domingo "La Espanola" and Cuba "Juana"!.In a letter that he wrote to Luis de Santangel he described the nature of both islands and the habitants!.He spoke more than two languages , but he did not speak correctly any of them!. In this letter he made a lot orthographic mistakes , and also showed a poor vocabulary because he repeated the same words continuously!. Here you can read the letter translated to English ,and you will find the information necessary!.He talked about monsters, mermaids!.I think the mermaids were the manatees!.