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Position:Home>History> History Help? Which happened first?

Question: History Help!? Which happened first!?
1!. The united states enacted quotas to reduce the number of foreign people immigrating to the United States!. OR World War I ended!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There were many laws restricting immigration to the US before World War I, but these were restrictions based on characteristics such as literacy!. The use of actual quotas, involving numerical limits allowed per country, began with the 1921 Emergency Quota Act, which was AFTER the end of World War I!.


The United States during WWl passed a law prohibiting
illiterate people from entering the country ,a Literacy Test was now required!. There was a fear that the large number of people who had recently entered the country, mostly the Catholics and Jews from Southern and Eastern Europe, were not going to be able to become American, not melt in the melting pot!. Weonly wanted people who would become 100% Americans!. President Wilson vetoed the 1st bill passed in 1915 but the bill proposed by ine Congressman Burnett, from Alabama, came back and over the President's veto was enacted in January of 1917!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

immigration's happened 1st in the 1800'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

immagration was around long before WW1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

immigrating quotes came way before WWI!. First Chinese, then Irish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com