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Question: History Help!? The Haymarket Riot!?
When and where did it happen!? What happened!?

What was the immediate cause and what were the underlying causes!?

Discuss both the immediate and long-term effects!.

The more I read the more confused I become!. I have finished everything but these last few questions!. Even the wording of the questions are confusing me!. Any help is greatly appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Haymarket Massacre occured on May 4, 1886, when, after police broke up an Anarcho-Communist meeting at Haymarket Square, Chicago, a bomb exploded among the front rank of police, who then opened fire (7 police fatally injured; 70 wounded)!.
The trial (June 19-Aug!. 20) of Ausust Spies, Albert Parsons, Samuel J!. Fielden, and other radical agitors before Judge Joseph E!. Gary resulted in convictions (7 sentenced to death; 1 to 15 years in prison)!. Conviction affirmed by IL Supreme Court, Sept 14, 1887
As the result of petitions circulated by the writer William Dean Howells and labor groups for commutation of the death sentenc4e, 2 prisoners wre commuted by Gov!. Oglesby to life terms!. The remaining 4 were executed on Nov!. 11, 1887!.
Gov!. John Peter Altgeld freed 3 others, charging that the trial had been unfair (June 1893)!. The actual bomb thrower was never established!. The incident damaged the labor movement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com