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Question: Holocaust Victims!? Denials!?
Why in discussion of the Holocaust are non-Jewish victims ignored/ The count is always "six million Jews"!. The main room in the Holocaust Museum (nyc) is a hexagon to reflect that!. Certainly that was the largest targeted group, but how did the other four million or so victims get forgotten and cast aside in the tally!. I think that this is an example of Holocaust denial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, this isn't denial, this is part of the Jewish belief that they are the unique victims of holocausts due to the long years of persecution they suffered!. They were also more articulate than the other groups, got out their side of the story quickly, and so forth!. Stalin deliberately starved to death 5-7 million Ukranians!. Where is the outcry over this!? White Americans virtually exterminated Native Americans, a process that took nearly 500 years!. Where is the outcry over this!? In fact genocide is fairly common in human history!. Read "The Third Chimpanzee" by Jared Diamond!. He examines this issue in depth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Nazis considered the Jews to be responsible for all the ills of German society and therefore set out specifically to eliminate all Jews!. Other groups were partially targeted but not totally nor specifically!. The Nazis' "final solution" was a "solution" to "the Jewish problem" NOT to the "gypsy problem" or the "homosexual problem" or the "Slav problem" or "the mentally retarded" problem!.

Among intelligent and educated people, the other four million who were eradicated are NOT forgotten!.

also, you misunderstand the phrase "Holocaust denial!." Holocaust denial refers to those who do not believe that there was ever any attempt to eliminate the Jewish population of Germany and the lands conquered by the Nazis - the Nazis' own records prove that they DID attempt to destroy all Jews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong!. Holocaust denial is the complete rejection that a systematic killing of Jews AND OTHERS ever took place!.

The overwhelmingly largest targeted group of victims is the Jews!. The Holocaust is originally a Jewish term for what happened!. The plight of other groups in the Holocaust is not 'ignored' but just not discussed and written about as much!.

Figures vary - 3 million, 6 million, 10 million, etc!. But none are forgotten and cast aside in the tally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the other main groups were homosexuals and gypsies!.
(there may have been other groups and certainly individuals, but ii don't know then off hand!.)

Until recently, there haven't been homosexual groups with political power, and the few gypsies that are left don't really have political power either!.

So i don't think it is denial so much as no lobbying groups for these groups of people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it is because it is such a huge number of people and the Jewish people quite naturally have ensured that a/ their people who were slaughtered would never be forgotten!. It is not like they can go to the graves to remember their loved ones so this is their way of rememberance!. also so this
NEVER happens again!. Among the others who were killed were Germans who opposed Hitler like the members of the White Rose you never hear about them!. Everyone assumes that the German people did nothing to fight Hitler but the
White Rose was a resistance movement in Germany!. also they took out anyone no matter what race who was handicapped mentally or physically!. They have no one to speak for them either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they are ignored!. The point is Jews were the Nazi's "favorite" for hatred and mass destruction!. If you were to read "Inside the Third Reich" by Albert Speer you will read how "obssessed Hitler was with the Jews"!. The other victims have been remembered!. And I am no Jew, mind you!. Just a heavy reader of the Nazis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they 6 million killed is a hard fact to face this is why it is put out there !.!.!. the other 4 million are not talked about so much because of the diversities its not one lump sum like the 6 millionWww@QuestionHome@Com