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Position:Home>History> When i was in the hall way at my school i called this guy a nazi?

Question: When i was in the hall way at my school i called this guy a nazi!?
because he called me a stupid retarded jew what should i do about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it seems like you already "did" something about it!.!.!.!.next time you need to report it!. You may not want to seem like a "tattle tale" or "whimp" or "nark" but that's a racial/ethinic comment and those things can go too far!. You calling him a Nazi back can get you in trouble as well!. I know in my old high school you both would have been susupended, because of the rate of hate crimes now!.!.!.there's no messing around!. also don't feed into his mess!.!.!.because one day he's going to say something to you and you are going to say something back, and the only witness will be one of his friends who will swear up and down that you started it and YOU will get in trouble!. Do the unpopular thing and tell someone who can really handle it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless this becomes a recurring thing, there's no reason to do anything else!. I would just let it go!.

If similar things keep happening, and it becomes serious or you just really want it stopped, you can report him!. Most schools take race-related issues seriously!. But listen: If he's just playing around and the whole thing's not actually hate-based, reporting could cause an unnecessary **** storm!. If this is just one goofy incident of some dude throwing an insult, the thing to do is let it fade!. Only go to the principals and such if it gets to be a real problem!.

Oh, and if by some chance you're not actually a Jew, and this guy is just trying to be edgy, ( I've seen it happen, a lot ) just ignore him completely!. It's not worth getting upset about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was his own fault, he shouldnt hate!.
we had a huge issue at my skool with this, some kid got in a fight with my jewish friend, and the kid said a racial slur about my friend being jewish, so we had to have a diversity day!.
if it happens agin, just ignore him, and he does it a third time, then i would tell a teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kind of a cheesy comeback!.

Honestly when i was younger in school like that i was a high profile victim of peer abuse up until about age 16!.!.!.

At the time I found nothing really worked!.!.!.!.!. no matter what i did!.!.!. I was targeted!. only time healed it!. The best reaction however is the one which is the least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you a Jew!? lol
if you are, you will be persicuted!.
Dont let it get to you!.
The big man upstairs will take care of it!.
Be ProudWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well at this point I think you've both displayed the level of your emotional maturity & education very well!.
The two of you are even now!. Just drop it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's neutral now, why worry!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

My how times have changed!. When I was in school we would just say meet me out back and we can settle this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com