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Position:Home>History> If you were Emperor/Emperess of the world...?

Question: If you were Emperor/Emperess of the world!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.what would life be like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My twin sister's best friend, Armon, thinks I'll be Empress of the World some day because I always talk to him about problems in our world etc etc!. So he thinks I'll have my own secert counsel underground and every year all the leaders of the world come to meet me and I express my views on what is going on 'up there'!.

He's a bit of a nut, eh!?

If I were indeed the Empress!.!.!.I think I would outlaw plastic bags, they're a waste of material, when they pool with water they produce mosquitos which then carry malaria and they're a bloody nuisance when they all fall out of the cupboard!

I would also demand less consumption of food from the weathly countries - we eat wayyyy too much food that we actually don't need! By the time your belly becomes full it takes about a while for that message to reach your brain and tell yourself to stop eating!. In the mean time you keep scarfing down food that your body doesn't actually have need of!.

No more materialism - wasting the world away to nothing, until when we have no resources left we'll be scratching our heads like fools wondering what the devil happened!.

Ride your bike! You get fresh air in your lungs, you get some exercise and you aren't polluting!. For long distance traveling go ahead and use that car, or take the train - that is actually fun, too!. Driving a car everywhere, with only one person in it, mind you, is a waste of your own money for the gas, you're polluting and it fills up the roads so that you complain about traffic all the time!. Car pooling is good, takes a few cars off the road and you've someone to talk to face-to-face rather than over a cellphone!.

People would start considering where the things they eat, wear and use come from and how exactly they should be recycling and reusing said objects!. People buy cds, computers, dvds, mp3s, Ipods and cellphones like they're going out of style!. We need to start reusing those materials because they do pile up rather quickly when we're through with them and there is no reason why they shouldn't be reused!.

People try very hard to save people in the Third World countries - but has no one stopped to think of when these people do rise out of poverty how much their enormous populations will be consuming!? My god! [Excuse my language] We would have nothing left on this planet in a matter of years! So having said that, it is our job, nay duty, as the better off people in this world, as a species, to stop being such a wasteful, hypocritical, pain in the ***!

I'm going to stop now!.

I would require that all country leaders be given a round-the-world tour of other countries so they would know exactly how big the world is and how insignificant their little part is!.

I would put emphasis on education and sanitation!. Even in the poorest countries, there would be clean water in every village and a solar powered television screen which would broadcast educational programs to any who will watch!. How to build some things, how to improve others, and how to prevent disease!. Religious leaders would be held accountable for what they teach to their followers (i!.e!. you teach them to kill and they do it, you are also guilty of murder)!.

Oh, and the space program would be number one on my agenda!. Not a little NASA program, but world wide with major rewards to the country that makes progress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We'd not have all these stupid wars, and each country could have it's own Primeminsiter, who answers to me, the Emperor, and if a country had a problem with another one, the Primeministers would go toe-to-toe in a boxing ring, instead of wars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

awesome i demand 700 virgins a yearWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good on my part =D I would have everyone work for me! aha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if i can really have your gta copy that would be awesomWww@QuestionHome@Com