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Position:Home>History> How did Muslims conquer the Great Persian Empire?

Question: How did Muslims conquer the Great Persian Empire!?
& Who was the Persian King of the time!?:-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Persians had just ended a long war with the East Romans!. There was a lot of confusion and strife in the royal house - I think at least six monarchs came and went in 628-32!. Finally they chose the young Yezdegerd III!.
The Muslims had the help of religious fanaticism!. What was more, the deal they offered to the ordinary people was a lot better than the heavy religious tax burden they had suffered under the Sassanians!.
Yezdegerd never showed himself in battle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The same way they are kicking the U!.S!. ***!. They wait until the enemy gets tired and then they pounce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com