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Position:Home>History> Why was the west so afraid of communism?

Question: Why was the west so afraid of communism!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The quote used by one of the contributers "we will bury you"
was taken out of context by U!.S!. newspaper!. What he actually said was that we will bury you not as in killing you but we will bury you in a race for technology/space etc!. He means that you will be left so far behind by us who are so much better than you will be buried by our dust!. This quote
was used to stir up the people against the communist!.
Having said that I think part of the problem was that the U!.S!.
view of itself as a nation seems to hang on the fact that it is the 'home of the brave and the free" (as if other countries aren't) and anything that is not like them is to be feared and hated!. Typical paranoia of the times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler killed maybe 6 million Jews!. Their is some debate if even that number is accurate!. The Communists killed in the tens of millions of Christians!. In the Ukrainian Famine, Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, following the directives of Stalin, intentionally starved 20 million Christians to death!. The 20 million figure is what the Soviet Union admitted!. The actual number is very likely much greater!.

I think that alone is good reason to fear communism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the 50's and early 60's communism was the monster in the bedroom closet to Americans!. Joseph McCarthy led some famous hearings attempting to identify and vilify communists in the military and the government!. (the Army/McCarthy hearings!.) J!. Edgar Hoover was writing and talking about what he called the menace within!. When I was a kid, his book scared hell out of me!.
Russia was a communist country and, by then our sworn enemy!. "We will bury you!" said the Russian premier!. The missile race was on and Americans were digging bomb shelters!. Kids in school had drills about what to do in a bomb warning!. Air raid sirens were tested every day in almost every town and city!.
The combination fear of secret communists in our government, communist spies everywhere, willing to give our secrets to the enemy, willing to undermine our government and convert our Country to communism was pervasive!. The cold war,as it was called was really an interesting time!. Scary, but interesting!.
With the perspective of time and hindsight, it is clear that it was all hysterical drivel!. But I didn't know that then, I was a kid, and I was convinced my elders knew what they were talking, and I was scared too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because communism is VERY BAD it means that basicly the government controls the people more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com