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Position:Home>History> Tell me about a time when you went "above and beyond the call of duty"

Question: Tell me about a time when you went "above and beyond the call of duty" to help someone!?
Briefly describe the situation:

What did you do!?

What was the outcome!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I decided to visit a lonely person in an old persons home!. They assigned me to an alcoholic who was there temporarily!. That bothered me so I extended my visit and visited several times with a retired professor lady in a wheelchair!. She said her family never visits her!. Anyway, when the staff saw that she had visitors they had to take better care of her!. (I overheard them say they better clean her up etc!. because she now has visitors!.)

I guess I made living conditions better for her at least for a little while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cant really answer your question, because my perception of that phrase has been shifted!.
My father, a VMI Engineering grad and an F-111 pilot/instructor, has developed a pet peeve about people using that phrase in the context of work and school, the like!.
I agree with him a bit!. When I go above and beyond at work, I'm not really- I'm just being a decent, hard working human being!.
But maybe, if I'm ever given the chance to stick up for someone that I don't have to, to really lay myself on the line, to help someone at my expense, to help someone I know cant pay me back- that would be going above and beyond the call of duty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com