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Position:Home>History> Explain how and why Australia's immigration policies change from 1945 to 200

Question: Explain how and why Australia's immigration policies change from 1945 to 2000!?
Government policies-assimilation, integration, multiculturalism

reasons why australia needed migrants during this periodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In 1901 when Australia became a federation, it enacted the Immigration Restriction Act (which became known as the White Australia policy)!. This really restricted any immigrants who didn't speak English as a first language and weren't white from immigrating!. The main way this was done was through a language test, which could be given in any language!. So if a Japanese person tried to enter, the test could be given to them in, say, German, and therefore they would fail and not be allowed!.

After the Second World War, Australia's population had dropped, and there was a dignificant threat of invasion from Japan (or so the Government believed)!. The economy was not in a fantastic state, and so previous immigration poicies were amended so that more immigrants would be allowed into the country!.
However, the language test was still given, and restrictions still kep peole who weren't white from entering!. So the main immigrants during this period were Europeans, definitely still not Asians!.
After the Vietnam War in the 1970's, Australia further changed it's immigration policies to allow refugees!. Gough Whitlam had a lot to do with the ending of the policies, but the Immigration Restriction Act was note completely dusgarded until 1976 (might wanna check incase I am a year or two off)!. I can't help anymore in that department!.!.!.

An in relation to assimilation!.!.!.!. well this is in reference to Aboriginal people!. while they were not immigrantsm they were still affected by the ideology of the "White Australia Policy"!. Sonce colonisation it had been believed that the Aboriginal people would "breed out" or "die out"!.!.!.!.this was clearly not the case!. When this became clear, the Government set up reserves, or Missions, where Aboriginal people had to live seperately from the rest of white Australia!. Here they were told who they could and couldn't marry, what they could eat and drink, and where they could work!. When they did work, their wages were usually taken by the government!. And it was not until the 1970's that Aboriginal chidren stopped being taken from their families and being put with white families and raised in a christian environment!.

This type of policy was called segregation, and in the 1960's it changed to "assimilation"!. This meant that, instead of separating the Aboriginal people, they would try to assimilate them, make them more like white australians!. They were freed from the missions, expected to find work and bein their lives as free people!. However, they did not have rights as Australian citizens until 1967!. and another interesting fact is that even Aboriginal men who fought in wars were not given acknowledgement!.

Integration is the idea that many Australian people have that all immigrants should "try to be like us"!. However, the rich and diverse cultures we have, and the fact that they haven't lost these in moving to australia, is what has made us multi-cultural!. Integration involves language, customs, citizenship, and values!.

Hope that helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.I know almost nothing about this subject!.!.!.my guess!.!.!.read above!.!.!.

But---I remember reading somewhere that, until 1967 or so, The Encyclopedia of Australia (I think!) listed Australia's aborigines under the heading of "Flora and Fauna"!.

Australia used to be seriously racist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com