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Position:Home>History> Who was the Worst Republican President and Who was the Worst Democratic Presiden

Question: Who was the Worst Republican President and Who was the Worst Democratic President!?
Who was the Worst Republican President ever!? Why!?
Who was the Worst Democratic President ever!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you can't begin to judge until at least thirty years have passed!.

Worst Democrat is James Buchannan for doing absolutely nothing in the face of the greatest Constitutional crisis possible, the secession of seven states!.

Worst Republican is Warren Harding for being incompetent and corrupt!.

Wikipedia has a list of surveys of professional historians over the years!. They seem to be pretty consistent in rating Harding and Buchanan has the worst for each party, although Andrew Johnson makes an occasional appearance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Worst Republican has got to be Nixon, hands down!.
The things revealed in Watergate are terrifying!. He did awful, awful things!. Not just the weapons secrets though, every president since has sold those!.

Worst Democrat would be Woodrow Wilson, for his policies following WWI and absolute refusal to cooperate with the other party!.

These are just my opinions though!. One could argue that Nixon didn't do anything Bush hasn't done!.
There were the poor economics of Martin Van Buren's time!.
Nobody could say for sure!. But these two are the worst, IMHO!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Warren G!. Harding is probably the worst Republican!. His administration was thoroughly corrupt!.

Jimmy Carter is clearly the worst Democrat!. He created the need for the term "stagflation", destroyed the morale of the country with his "malaise" talk, decimated the military, blurted out the existence of the Stealth Bomber program to the Soviets, single-handedly created the Islamist menace that lasts to this day by turning a strong ally ( the Shah of Iran ) into the Mullahs of Iran, an enemy that ( together with Hezbollah, Hamas) threatens us today!. His efforts at energy independence ( the "moral equivalent of war" ) were pathetic consisting only of him wearing a cardigan and wasting money on an abortive Synfuel program that he didn't follow through on!. The seeds of much that is wrong with our world today were planted during the Carter regime!. also, after the Iranians took hostages, kept them for 444 days and Carter could only mount a failed rescue attempt in the desert, the U!.S!. wasn't taken seriously until Reagan bankrupted the USSR with a defense buildup!. Even so, the US wasn't taken seriously by third-world countries again since we proved impotent in the face of a casus belli by a third-world country through failure of Carter's will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes this is opinion!.

Republican--I nominate George W!. Bush!. He lied to us about weapons of mass destruction and got us in a very expensive war that just kills people and rises gas prices!.

Lyndon Johnson who lied to us about the Gulf of Tonkin and got us much more deeply involved in Vietnam!.

What is there about presidents from Texas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You understand this is a total opinion question, right!?

Jimmy Carter for being too pacifistic!.
Goerge W Bush for an administration that was too hawkish!.

Very simplistic answers, I know!. I've noticed that writing long pieces in this forum is a waste of my time!.

My opinion only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't decide really!.!.!.

Republicans: George W!. Bush, Warren Harding, Richard Nixon

Democrats: Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, James BuchananWww@QuestionHome@Com

Worst Republican - Either Harding or Grant as both had administrations full of greed and corruption!.

Worst Democrat - Carter with LBJ right behind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either question would be subjective and based upon personal opinion at best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Carter is the worst ever president- of any party!.

can't think of anyone else who would be even half as bad as that oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

FDR lead us into a welfare society!. I'd also take Clinton because of his impeachment!. Outright liar!. For a Republican nominee I'd take Ford because he lost to another democratic failure in Carter!. Bush II is sad but it's not over!. There's still hope in his last days!. For the first guy who answered this question!.!.!.who do you think that best and worst are decided by!? Come on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com