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Position:Home>History> Who and what did Nelson Mandela do?

Question: Who and what did Nelson Mandela do!?
what did he do!? why was he sent to jail!? Is he a terrorist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mandela was jailed in apartheid-era South Africa because he was a member of the African National Congress!. The ANC was a militant, anti-apartheid political party!. Mandela was one of the leaders that helped end the apartheid era, and was voted as president by the South African parliament!. F!. W!. de Klerk, the last apartheid era president, also helped end apartheid, and got to be Mandela's Deputy President as a reward!.

There is NOTHING available online concerning Mandela's presidency!. The only information I've ever found was Mandela saying that he *may* have failed his country by ignoring the AIDS epidemic!.

Fun fact: South Africa has the world's highest AIDS-infected population, with 12% of all citizens being infected!.

Oh, and apartheid is the South African equivalent of segregation!.

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Essentially a South African civil rights leader but there's much more!.!.!.here's some websites about him!.!.!.
hope this is what you were looking forWww@QuestionHome@Com

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