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Position:Home>History> Do you think Germany would have turned against Japan had they both been successf

Question: Do you think Germany would have turned against Japan had they both been successful in defeating the U!.S!.!?
i'm speaking of WWII of course!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would have taken Germany longer than Hitler's lifetime to subdue America!. But if Germany had been able to defeat America and Japan bacame the basic ruler of the Pacific and Asia, it wouldn't be long before either side disagreed about territory or other such things!.

If America had fallen Germany would have had no trouble taking England, Spain and Portugal, and Japan would have had no trouble with China and IndiaWww@QuestionHome@Com

May I HIGHLY recommend the science fiction novel "The Man in the High Castle", by Philip K!. Dick, in which Germany and Japan win World War II!.

It was written in 1962 and the REAL feelings and ideas of WWII were still very fresh!.

The novel is set in the former United States, in 1962, fifteen years after the Axis Powers defeated the Allies in World War II and the U!.S!. surrendered to Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan!.

The Wikipedia article is actually very precise in explaining what could have happened without reading the story itself!. Quite fascinating!.!.!.!. and BELIEVABLE!.


"Aryan" actually DID refer to Iranians!. Iran MEANS "Land of the Aryans"!. Where in the name of all that is holy Hitler came up w/ the idea that Aryans were these tall, stocky, blonde, blue-eyed people is laughable to anyone who has ever studied ancient history!. When the ancient "travelers" came "out of Africa", some went East and became the great people of the Middle East, Persians, Indians, Hindus, Asians, ARYANS, etc!.
Others went North around the Mediterranean towards cooler climates!.!.!.!.and less sun tans!.
The Aryans or Iranians are an anceint people that laugh at any idea of being assosciated with blonde/blue eyed Nazis of WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Defeated the U!.S!.!? What, do you think that was the only country they were fighting or something!? It wasn't, nor was it the main one they were fighting!. That honor goes to the Soviets!. By some estimates 70% of Germany's losses came on the Eastern Front!. Some historians go so far as to consider the entire Western Front campaign as not much more to the Germans than a distraction from the "real" war against the Soviet Union!.

To answer your question, if Germany had been successful in defeating the U!.S!., they would have been too busy dealing with the Soviets to worry about Japan!. In fact, the Germans might have wound up begging the Japanese to help them against the USSR!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably!. The Nazi ideal was a blond haired, blue eyed "aryan!." Very few of us would have met their criteria, I would think, including Hitler, himself and his cohorts!. Interestingly, Aryan probably actually referred to Iranians, before the Nazis started distorting the word and using it for their own purposes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because they wouldn't have been able to trust the Japanese, they would have to destroy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Hitler's goal was total domination!. He turned against Stalin whom he was allied with at the begining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, eventually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
