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Question: Names used during American Revolution!?
Hi, I'm looking for male and female names used during the American Revolution!. I have to write a story for this time period and my protagonist is named Celia Paine!.

Anyway, I need male and female first names for some of the "teenage" characters !.!.!. just stuff that isn't the same old Anne, Elizabeth, and Mary as well as John, Paul, and Samuel!.

Thanks a bunch!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Bible is a treasure trove of names that were known in the Revolutionary era, as are the names of various virtues!. Don't forget the names that came over from the British Isles, either!.

For boys:

Adam, Aaron, Moses, Josiah, Hezekiah, Joseph, Ezra, Elijah, Amos, Joel, David, Hiram, Truthful, Elisha, Gilbert, Richard, Alexander, James, George, and Henry!.

For girls:

Margaret, Christine, Prudence, Charity, Abigail, Rose, Alice, Patience, Grace, Thankful, Hannah, Joan, Catherine, Dorcas, Tansy, Bridget, Eve, Jerusha, Huldah, and Mercy!.

Hope these give you some ideas--oh, and don't forget to research baby name sites, as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I googled "family tree john adams" and found a tree for John Quincy Adams that included:
Joseph, Ruth, Hannah, Benjamin, Susanna, Louisa!.
In likewise fashion you can get a family tree of many revolutionary people!. Soon you will have a list of names to choose from!.
If you have any history books around which are restricted in time period to the Rev period, just look in the index for period names!.
I myself have ancestors hailng from that period!. I'd be honored if you'd use their names: Sallie, Darby, Walter, Damsel, Alsey,Lucy,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Norman names such as John!. Henry and Edward!. Biblical virtues like Prudence, Patience, Mercy and Faith and biblical names from the Old Testament!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Biblical names were very popular at the time, especially names from the old testament name like Ruth, Sarah, Caleb, Jeremiah, check out your bible you'll find some very unusual names not used much these days but were quite common thenWww@QuestionHome@Com