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Position:Home>History> Which destroyed the plains Indians' way of life most the Gold Rush or the ac

Question: Which destroyed the plains Indians' way of life most the Gold Rush or the actions of the American government!?
please state whyWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I'd say the gold rush, because it accelerated the migration of people to the west, plus it gave the government an incentive to support the white settlement of areas in the west!. The surge of settlers moving west resulted in the elimination of Native American food sources such as the buffalo (driven to near extinction by market hunters)!. Gold Rushes other than the California played a more direct role in the U!.S!. government's failure to honor treaties with Native American tribes, for example, the discovery of gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota, resulted in the U!.S!. Army's push into that area, which ended up with the battle at the Little Bighorn and the subsequent near genocide of the Sioux and other plains tribes!. There were other examples of western migration not connected to the search for gold, such as in Texas where settlement by whites resulted in the near extermination of the Comanches, but overall I think gold was a major factor in motivating western migration and the government's actions toward the people already living there!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is never one thing - - - - it is always a combination of thing!. There were actually various Gold & Silver rushes that brought a crush of white settlers intent on 'easy' riches on to Native lands!. But yes arguably if you need a single factor it was the duplicity and greed of the American Government that did the most damage!. Note, though, there was no 'one' single set American Policy merely an on going series of betrayals and obnoxious treaties that shredded Native culture, destroying entire tribes reducing the survivors to isolated pockets upon marginal land!. Above all it was the American Policy of begging Europe to disgorge its unwashed huddled masses to over populate a continent that had achieved a balance between a people and nature!. A policy of giving Native land to White Europeans (blacks need not apply even if born in the USA and able to trace their ancestry back three or four generations!)!. A policy of pushing railroads across Native lands so that more & more & more immigrants could steal Native soil (those immigrants of course had to pay & pay & pay to the railroad and other interests and those were 'native' born Americans - - - whites most of whom could trace their ancestry back a generation or so, a few were proud descendents of those who had come over on the Mayflower the first people to steal Native land)!.!.!.


A better case could be made for the construction of the transcontinental railroad which hired hunters (think Buffalo Bill Cody) to kill buffalo to feed workers!. This was followed by commercial hunters who slaughtered millions of buffalo for their hides!. These actions destroyed what was needed for the way of life of the Plains Indian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it was the gold rush on it's own!. Initially the gold rush was in California!. A lot of whites passed through the land of the plains Indians, but did not stop there!. I think it was later when white settlers occupied their land that the real conflicts began, with the Indians eventually being displaced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither!. Two very dissimilar cultures clashed and is always the case in such an event one will consume the other!. I suggest that if you are really interested in this subject that you might read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many factors destroyed the Plains Indian way of life:
European disease
Inability to adapt to change
Lack of inter-band confederations
Presence of Western ideals such as eradication of food sources!.
Hostility from settlers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their poor military led to their destruction!. Once we abolish the American Military they will have a pretty good chance of getting their lands back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the government and the military did more destruction to the Indians way of life and their psycheWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can't separate the 2!. They both were dependant on the other and acted in unison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gut rot whisky, guns, betrayal, and, venereal disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both but the real push was the rail road Thats when the real trouble started
1Manifest Destiny
3 gold rushWww@QuestionHome@Com