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Position:Home>History> How did Italy fail?

Question: How did Italy fail!?
In 1940, in East Africa and Egypt, Italy launched offensives against the British!. In East Africa they conquered British Somiland, and advanced into Sudan and Kenya!. They pushed 60 miles into Egypt!. However, a British counter-attack with 31,000 soldiers, 120 artillery pieces, 275 tanks, 60 Armoured cars drove an Italian Army with 150,000 soldiers1,600 guns and 600 tanks back 500 miles into Libya!. The British had 500 dead, and lost 15 aircraft!. Italy had 3,000 dead and lost 400 tanks, 1,292 guns and 1,249 aircraft!.

In East Africa a British Army of 40,000 troops launched a counter-attack and drove an Italian Army of 291,000 out of East Africa with only 3,100 casualties!. The Italians had 420,000 casualties!.

How is this possible!? Italy by many, many times out numbered the British soldiers, and were on the defensive!. Poor leadership!? Lack of will to fight!? How did this happen!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are two primary answers to this question with a secondary answer, as well!.

1!. Italian forces outnumbered the British, but were equipped with mediocre equipment!. Italian tanks had a poor record of servicability (meaning the broke down often), and were under-gunner and under-armored for combat with British tanks!. Artillery was also a weakness of the Italian forces!.

2!. Italian senior leadership was weak, in general!. Bombasta, among others, seemed far more interested in glory than in victory, and they routinely substituted optimism for sound tactical planning!. They were also often unwilling or unable to supply sufficient material (such as gasoline) for their forces in the field, partly because of corruption in Rome and partly because of inefficiency in the logistics corps!. This became especially aparent once the Afrika Corps was sent to bolster the Italians!.

3!. In addition, the British forces, although not always well led, were particularly tough and resilient!. Most especailly, the Italians gave the ANZAC (Australia / New Zealand) forces hard earned and grudging respect!. The Australian forces had held Tobruk against all comers, and the ANZAC lads that made up part of the British forces in Egypt were well thought of, even by the Germans when they came to play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A little bit of everything!. First of all there equipment was worse then there British counter-parts!. Most of there men were ill-trained and not motavated!.The leaders weren't trained properly in modern desert warfare!. Almost everything the Italian lacked and the British had!. In this case quality conquered quanity!.also a quick not!. The Italian armies in Africa at that point in the war were cut off from Italian supplies!. So troops, supplies and most off all leaders who could help the Italian cause were very much missed!.

Hope I helped you out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Italians weren′t fanatics like the Germans!. Their troops were not well trained and generally they were very unorganized!. Their weapons were mediocre especially compared to some of the British tanks and aircraft!.

The British on the other hand were well trained, determined troops that were ready to give anything to defend democracy and freedom!. The British had some smart generals which made sure their forces outmaneuvered the Italians!. By the time of the Siege of Tobruk the British had completely broken Italian moral(such as it was) into pieces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Italians just had really shitty luck!. They never seemed to get any victories!. This might have been because their tanks and artillery sucked!. But Italian guns were really nice!. A Carcano killed JFK!. Italians also seemed too apathetic about the war!. They just didn't have enough commitment to Facism!. Half the Italians switched sides and fought with the Allies!. Italy has always had a love affair with facism and communism!. They just can't pick one, so they always struggle between sides!. But really nice guns!. I love the Carcano!. Its not a Mauser, but I love it anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Italy went into WW2 totally unprepared and under-equipped for a modern war!. While there are some who put down the performance of the Italian Army in North Africa and Russia further investigation reveals that when Italians were well led and well equipped they were superb fighting men!. Several German commanders have nothing but praise for the performance of Italian elite units that they fought with in North Africa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Italians chose to invade countries whose armies still fought on horseback!. And Italian tanks had 4 gears: one foward & three in reverse! Seriously, it was more of a lack of will to fight!. The people grew weary of the fascist "IL Duce!." He was a pompous *** that would sell out his own countrymen for a pair of platform shoes !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Over extended, a disgruntled public, the Italian king finally taking action, poorly trained and probably poorly equipped troops!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's all about quality not quantity!.

On a side note:
I too was surprised they fired the guy!. I mean it was a hard fought game and Spain won on PK!. I just don't understand it!. He got canned over PK!Www@QuestionHome@Com