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Position:Home>History> Anyone knows about the war between china(Baoshan, Yunnan Province) and Vietnam i

Question: Anyone knows about the war between china(Baoshan, Yunnan Province) and Vietnam in the 1980's!?
many people died!. i was only a kid in china that time, so i dont know too much about that war!. now china don't mention it anymore at all!. but i'm still interested!. if u know, pls tell me some sources that i can find out the truth!. i know china and vietnam had a deal and ended the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was in 1979!. The Chinese were angry because Vietnam had invaded Cambodia!. There were heavy casualties:


Vietnam got fed up wit Pol Pot and invaded Cambodia!. China was allied to Cambodia and attacked Vietnam!. Chinese troops did not penetrate very far- seems the Vietnamese proved a bit tougher than they expected- also the Soviets supplied the Vietnamese with weapons, ammo and "volunteers" (as they did in the North/South Vietnam war)

However Vietnam was hurt bad economically- the Chinese border area was left un-bombed during the Vietnam war (the US planes were forbidden to bomb there- by US politicians) which means a lot of Vietnamese factories were moved there!. As a result of the Chinese attack all these factories were destroyed

The communist Chinese don't brag about this war- because it ended as a stalemate - instead of an easy victory as they expectedWww@QuestionHome@Com