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Position:Home>History> Does anyone think Germans as bad people becuase they had a Nazi regime ?

Question: Does anyone think Germans as bad people becuase they had a Nazi regime !?
well i dont, i am just asking if someone thinks that wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That was two generations ago, and bad memories are dying with those who lived through it, most people do not consider the Germans bad because their grand parents did something horrifying!. Though if you go to countries such as Poland or Russia, where the hatred has been kept alive (during the USSR era the communists used it to the hilt to stock Eastern countries dislike of the West) you will find that even now people say that the Germans are monsters!.

As to what Panama says, that doesn't surprise me!. Twenty years after a war that lasted 6 years and laid waste to most of Europe, memories were still raw and the people who answered had lived through those times!. The Germans they were talking about were people their age, ex soldiers of the Nazi army, not the grand children of those people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because a leader turns bad doesn't mean the whole country is rotten - a good example is Mugabe - just a few years ago he was given a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth, for the progress he had made towards establishing democracy in his country!. Now, of course, his thugs have beaten up on any competition and he refuses to step down, even though he's lost an election!. He's now running an election with a single candidate - himself!. So, although he was once a good leader, he has definitely gone power-mad!. And his people are suffering, just as many honest Germans suffered under Hitler!. You are quite right, it isn't fair to tar everyone with the same brush!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because you cannot hold everything against a country forever!. No country is without horrible incidents in its history!. The Nazi regime and the holocaust etc were horrific, but it is over sixty years now since the end of the war, and most people now alive in Germany had nothing to do with it!. It does not make sense to hate people for things their parents or grandparents did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Back in 1965, ABC had a show (20th anniversary of the war) where a reporter went to Poland, France, Netherlands, etc asking people how they felt about Germans, and most people answered, "I hate them; as soon as they recover from the last war, they'll try to conquer us again!."

The answers really shook me up, because in school the teachers kept telling us that the Germans were good, now; it was the Russians (Soviets) who were bad!. Here, though, were all of these Europeans telling me the exact opposite! My grandpa was German (his Mom was born over there) and I loved him, but could the Europeans be right!? Will German try to conquer Europe again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because the situations were very bad when the German people chose Hitler to be their leader and they didn't knew anything about Hitlers plans to go to war and kill the people he hated!. Most of the Germans also wanted revenge because they had lost WW1 and now had an enormous dept because of that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe present day Germans support Nazism more than anyone else would!. Most Nazis were de-Nazified incredibly quickly after the war and Germany was easily fixed compared to the predictions of how long the de-Nazification process would take, showing us that many Germans didn;t bleieve fully in Nazi ideas and that they wre feared into believing the ideologies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. Most of those who pushed the Nazi regime into power had the best of intentions for Germany!. They were not aware of the larger picture until it was too late!.

What happened in Germany was a lesson for the free world!. It is important that we question our leaders and think for ourselves!. We should never blindly follow those in authority!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Present-day Germans are of course descendants of the generation which supported Nazism, and cannot be held responsible!. Any people who suffered under Nazi rule are now mostly dead, because the war finished 63 years ago!.

The Nazis were responsible for killing 50 million people!.!.!.!.how would YOU feel if your family members were included in that figure!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're putting the two in the same category!. They weren't!. The Germans were people fighting to protect their country!. The Nazis were a political group bent on world domination using the exuce that they were descendants of the Aryans!.
The German military leadership and the Nazis didn't like or trust each other but had to work together for the better good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the German people closed their eyes to what was going on when they could have stopped it but they didn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No why would i think that!. That's just like thinking that Americans (white) are bad because they had slavery!. Ludicrous!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nein!. Ich liebe Deutschland!. Ist mein vaterland, ja!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't, but a lot of ignorant people do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com