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Position:Home>History> Who did historians obtain vital information about early, preliterate human devel

Question: Who did historians obtain vital information about early, preliterate human development from!?
I need to know what they taught the historians!. Did they learn it from mechanical and astrological studies!?Biological and archaeological findings!? The work of Alfred Ziedorfer!? Please help me thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Technically, history is the period when writing began!. People who study pre-literate civilizations are by definition not historians!.
It's a fuzzy distinction!. A lot of civilizations had proto-writing long before they had literature!. In some cases, notably England, the ability to write was lost!. When the Roman empire abandoned England the ability to write was lost during the critical period when the Angles and Saxons conquered Britain!. There is no writing from the period about King Arthur, for instance!. Since all the stories were written centuries later, it is difficult to say what was historically accurate!.
A good example is the Gr?nlendinga saga or the Saga of the Greenlanders!. It relates the colonization of Greenland by Erik the Red and his followers!. It then describes several expeditions further west led by Erik's children and Thorfinn Karlsefni!. The saga is preserved in the late 14th century manuscript and is believed to have been first committed to writing sometime in the 13th century, but that is several centuries after the events took place!.
A historian would study the saga, but it wasn't until an archeologist discovered a site in Newfoundland in the early 1960's that people were convinced that Leif Erickson had actually been to North America!. As recounted in the Saga of the Greendlanders, by sailing from the settlement in Greenland, he would have only had to cross a few hundred miles of open ocean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way my professors described history to us is that it's "the study of human documents" (i paraphrasing a little bit) and that everyone before structural writing would be considered in the realm of Anthropology and be studied by archaelogists!. But I think the lines between Anthropology and History are a little blurred, because you have several historians who study ancient history and go on native american digs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the above!. Historians study the artifacts, architecture, agriculture practices from a society!. From these things they deduce how the society lived, based on the known information from other civilizations in the area and what is know about all civilizations on earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Normally from archeologists and anthropologistsWww@QuestionHome@Com