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Position:Home>History> How did Alaska become part of America?

Question: How did Alaska become part of America!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Secretary of State William Seward bought it from the Russians in 1867 for 7!.2 million dollars or 2!.5 cents per acre!.
At the time he was criticized for the deal!. Alaska was thought of as a wasteland!. It was called " Seward's Folly ", Seward's Ice Box " , or " Andrew Johnson's Polar Bear Garden!. " Johnson was President then!.
It wasn't until the discovery of gold in the 1890's that the publics view of Alaska changed!.

Jim, you are correct, however to get to the Yukon Territory American prospectors had to travel through Alaska, which probably wouldn't of happened if the Russians still owned it!. Mainly from Scagway, Alaska to the Chilkoot Pass, Alaska into the Yukon or the all-water route; Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Alaska to St!. Michael, on the west coast of Alaska, then east across Alaska to Dawson City, Yukon Territory!.
Click on map for a larger image!.

The U!.S!. invaded Alaska year ago!. During this invasion, the Americans landed, kicked the eskimos ***es and then claimed Alaska as a state!. Since that time the U!.S!. has refused to drill for oil in Alaska claiming it will ruin the environment there; all the while we are paying out of our ***es for a gallon of gas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agent 86 "

A slight correction about the "gold rush "

The gold was NOT found in Alaska!.

It was located in Canada !. In the Yukon Territory!.

Hence the term " The Yukon Gold Rush " of 1898!.!.

Jim B!. Toronto!. Ontario!. Canada !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

William H!. Seward, the U!.S!. Secretary of State, engineered the Alaskan purchase in 1867 for $7!.2 million!.Www@QuestionHome@Com