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Question: Why is the Battle of BUnker hill!.!.!.!?
Why is the Battle of Bunker Hill not called the Battle of Breed's hill!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There seem to be several causes together that created the misinformation!. The Patriots had been ordered to fortify Bunker Hill, which is taller but is the eminence behind Breed's Hill relative to Boston!. There is no agreement among scholars as to why they went on to the lower hill closer to the Harbor!. The movement was made at night, and not all the troops were from Boston and so did not necessarily know which was which, there were allegations of poor maps, or maybe they thought Breed's Hill a better position!. Actually either one was a potential death trap as they are part of the Charlestown Peninsula, and the British could have landed any place they desired behind the Patriot position and cut off any possible retreat!. The British had such contempt for the Patriot "rabble" they disdained strategy and relied on a series of frontal assaults, which eventually carried the Patriots' position, but only after severe loss among the British troops and only after the Patriots had run out of ammunition!.

Probably the reason it has come down to us as "Bunker Hill" is the news reports spread through the colonies in the immediate aftermath!. Nine days after the battle a broadside was published in Lancaster Pennsylvania, quoting reports from an express rider from Boston who had reached Philadelphia two days earlier!. The Broadside referred to "Bunker's-Hill"!. This would have spread on through the colonies and become fixed in the public mind as the location!.


Ah, one of my favorite "gotcha" pieces of history trivia!. From what I can tell, the battle took place mostly on Breed's Hill, but there was fighting on Bunker Hill and Dorchester Heights as well!. How Bunker Hill got to be used as the name of the battle, I don't know!.
(As you probably know, the Battle of San Juan Hill actually took place on Kettle Hill--but I can imagine Teddy Roosevelt didn't want to brag about charging up Kettle Hill!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of those things in US history!. You are correct the battle took place on Breeds hill but Bunker hill sounds better for some reason!. Just like Paul Revere he did nothing that first night but he gets all of the glory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The hill was so heavily fortified!. !. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com