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Position:Home>History> Why the jews were killed by germans in WWII??

Question: Why the jews were killed by germans in WWII!?!?
What did they really really do to deseve that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I saw a reportage on TV !.!.!.!.!. the Jews were powerful!.
maybe maybe because the Jews in 38, on election, they teamed with the socialist or communist and not with the Nazi party!. This drove Hitler mad!. because he though Germans Jews should help Germany!.!.!.!.!.but still you don't go around killing peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

The primary reason was that the Jews were an identifiable group within Germany!. Thus, they could be scapegoated for the problems of Germany after the Versailles Treaty!. '

There was also a tradition of anti-Semitism both in Europe and in Germany specifically, the latter dating back to Martin Luther who expected the Jews to flock to his "new" take on religion ( emphasizing as he did the Old Testament )!. When they did not, he turned on them with fury ( much the same story as Mohammed who also had the same expectations, the same response from them, and the same reaction from him )!.

There's a great exchange in a movie based on a book by Katherine Porter!.
Nazi: The Jews are responsible for all the troubles of Germany!.
Jew: Yes, that's right, the Jews and the bicyclists!.
Nazi: Why the bicyclists!?
Jew: Why the Jews!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whenever such a small group of individuals became as powerful as the Jews, there is a significant possibility that they would become targeted by the masses!. As you might know, the jews, throughout history have been the bankers in the Western world, thus accumulating huge wealth that was both envied and frowned upon(love thy neighbor as thyself) by the Christian majority!. It is no different in Germany as Jews were frequently not only bankers but merchants and shopkeepers!. When Adoph Hilter began his rise to power (he was part jewish himself I might add), Germany was in a huge economic downturn that rivals if not surpass that of the Great Depression!. Many point to the reparation payments that they had to pay after the first world war as the cause of this downturn!. However, both through envy and dispise, he and many other Germans began to scapegoat the Jews as the cause of all their suffering!. Hitler used classic human nature of not wanting to blame oneself but another as well as his great speaking ability to rally the German people to his cause, couple that with the reluctance of other western leaders to enter any form of violent conflict (can't blame them too much after what happened in WWI), World War II began, giving Hitler the opportunity to slaughter jews as he please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Jews were targeted simply because the Germans made them scapegoats!. The Germans wanted a German society!.!.!.!.with no other races!.!.!.!.a White Supremacy!.!.!.!.I am sickened when I see the Nazi "sign"!.!.!.!.It was very hard for me to walk thru the concentration camps in Germany!.!.!.to look at the pictures!.!.!.!.to see the ovens!.!.!.!.and the graves!. Well, we whipped their butts, thank God!. And, I found the German people now very kind, friendly and extremely helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For centuries Jews were considered "Christ killers" by the Christian world which led to much persecution, the Inquisition, pogroms, burning of synagogues,books, Torahs, the Holocaust, the Ku Klux Klan, et al!. However, amidst all this turmoil few Christians understood that above all else that Jesus Christ was first and foremost a Jew!.

Martin Luther railed against the Jews after they rejected Christ and, as a result, he wrote treatise after treatise advocating their destruction!. Methods he suggested included burning them alive after locking them in their synagogues, destroying the Torahs, driving them out of their homes, etc!. This would provide the impetus for the Holocaust 5 centuries later!.

It wasn't until 1879 when a German newspaper editor, Wilhem Marr, coined the phrase anti-semitism!. That's when the notion of a Jewish race was promulgated throughout Germany and eventually all of Europe!. In the past Judaism was considered to be only a religion that under significant pressure, such as the Inquisition, could be changed if needed!. I would like to add that many of those who converted to Christianity did so under duress and fear, but continued to practice Judaism in secret, crypto-Jews!.

On the other hand, when the term anti-semite began to be used the entire picture changed because while in the past one could change their religion, they could not change their ethnicity or race!. As a result this left the door open for the Holocaust!. Jews were believed to be a pestilent race and as such must be destroyed!. If any person or country is overrun by a pest you need to call in the Orkin man!. Hitler was the Orkin man!.

A Jew is a Jew provided their mother is Jewish!. No, one does not have to be a practicing or a religious Jew to be a Jew!. There are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Hasisdic, agnostic and atheistic Jews because of the Abrahamic covenant!. When one has been born into a Jewish family you are considered to be a Jew whether you practice it or not!. It is perhaps for a gentile to understand Judaism unless they take to study the religion!.

My interest was first stimulated to study and familiarize myself with the faith because my parents had Jewish friends and my mother worked at an accounting firm owned by Jews!. My knowledge of Judaism stems from extensive studies at the university as a history major with an emphasis on Jewish history!. Shalom,


They did nothing to deserve it!. Hitler and the Nazi party blamed the Jews for the economic problems in Germany after World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, losing World War I, and anything else they could think of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they were racist!. jews were not considered 'white' and the Nazis blamed every problem Germany had on them!. It's just like how black people were slaves even though they did nothing wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing but some mad idea said they were the reason why germany lost world war 1 even though they fought to the bitter end like the guy next to them as we (british and american and also french) pwned themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing!. It's called hatred, and it's bad and blind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com