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Position:Home>History> Who is a great and famous person like Nicolas Flamel ?

Question: Who is a great and famous person like Nicolas Flamel !?
also,the person must be dead!.TY! ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nicolas Flamel was a real person!.

Sir Isaac Newton dabbled in alchemy, which was in part the search for the philosopher's stone!.

John Dee was another famous alchemist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first person to answer is totally wrong!. Nicholas Flamel was indeed a real person who maybe alive and among to this day!.
also, Nostradamus, Myrddin-mental/crazy prophet and poet (anyone know of Merlin!? Myrddin is the real Merlin of this world)
Da Vinci!.!.!.there's a lot of people, if you just read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try Nostradamus always a good subject to research,

and for Isrealichick, Nicholas flamel was indeed a real person who lived from 1330 to 1418 check this out

Here are a few great people for you to try:
Nicolaus Copernicus
Albert Einstein
Thomas Edison
Theodore Roosevelt
Leonardo DaVinci

I dont know there must be hundreds of great and famous people its all depends on the culture!.!.!. and f!.y!.i Nicholas Flamel is a fictional character :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out Kurt VonnegutWww@QuestionHome@Com