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Position:Home>History> Cloning a mammoth?

Question: Cloning a mammoth!?
Would this be a good thing!? I realize this would take quite a long time, but if it were to be done, what would/could we do with them!. Could we breed enough to reintroduce them to Siberia!? Would they be a good source of food!? Would it be worth the investment!?

Is this a leap for science or an abuse!?

This is purely a hypothetical question!. I am interested in anyone else's thoughts on the whole "clone" issue!. It has seemed to fell off the burner so to speak!.

Personally, I say go for it!. I would also like to see the cloning of an Egyptian Pharaoh, or any other ancient human with DNA that could be used!.

Your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think one can argue that humans have an obligation to reinvigorate species which are currently extinct because of human activity!.

Beyond that, we're just tinkering with Nature because we can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being able to clone mammoths would be a great advance for science!.!.!. if only because it would show we could revive some genetic diversity should some parts of the gene pool actually become fetid enough to need clearing!.

Whether it's an abuse or not would be determined by what we later did with this possibility, but as a wide eyed idealist, I'll assume we CAN do this right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no we do not need to bring things back from that era we are not meant to live together and something horrible will happen next it will be dinosours then well have jurassic park for real and probably wipe out our entire species of human if u wann aclone a cow or goat ok go for it but nothing that is extinct and from millions of years ago its just not a good idea theres a reason we do not live togetherWww@QuestionHome@Com

thats a brilliant question and your ight it would take a long time to clone something as big as that but why don't we clone grain or pizza!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then what next T-Rex !?!?
It would be a very long drawn out noveltyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that the success for cloning is quite valuable!. However, I also recognize the opportunity many individuals will utilize for the egocentric creation of an entity that they believe will be a copy of them!. This is not possible!. We are all a product of our developmental environment!. It can not be recreated!. I'm not sure it will be possible to clone members of ancient civilizations!. Because of the process required to mummify these deceased individuals, I would like to know if any usable DNA is available!. The circumstances that resulted in the demise of extinct specimens are the opportunity for evolution!. The members of our species continues to wasteful of our earth's resources, insensitive to members of the global populations that are in dire circumstances that threaten their continued ability to survive, and the greed of money that many despots see as power, will eventually become the accepted representation for qualification of individual national leadership!. I'm happy to an American!.Www@QuestionHome@Com