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Position:Home>History> Is 9/11 the saddest moment in world history?

Question: Is 9/11 the saddest moment in world history!?
Where were you when 9/11 happened!?
What was your reaction when you found out that the World Trade Center fell!?
Lets give a moment of silence for all the people who died in 9/11!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was a work at my computer terminal when everyone ran to the conference room to watch the TV!. I will never forget the cold numbing silence in that room of about 40 people!. Its not the saddest day in world history, but surely the saddest day in American history!.

EDIT-- I like to add that it wasn't the amount of people loss that made it so sad!. It was the 1st time our defenses was breached that made it so sad!. Until that day, we kinda thought our land was invincible!. That feeling is forever gone!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you sure you don't want to rephrase that!? ie 'World History' !?!?!?!? It was one of the most Horrific acts of Terror on American soil however greater massacres, acts of Terror, Genocide happen every year around the world in addition to Horrors in History of Slavery, The Holocaust etc!.
Case in point in 1994 between 800,000 to one MILLION people were murdered in Rwanda-did one million people die when the World Trade Centre collapsed!?
Let's look in History at the Holocaust -The brutal murder of SIX MILLION JEWS -including little children!. How many children died in the World Trade Center collapse!? NONE!. There were a few I guess on the planes but nothing in comparison to the horrific events in the History books and which are still happening today around the World!. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the World is bigger than America!.

And btw I lost my Aunt on 9/11 and that day did affect me deeply for a very long time!. However I'm not selfish enough to think it's the worst thing ever to happen in the History of the World!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately it is not!. I lived in Israel and even though I never witness a suicide bomber I witnessed the effect of this fear of having to go any where and there might be a suicide bomber!. I think that the suicide bombing in a club in Tel Aviv is the saddest moment in history because of the amount of teens that were in the club and died!. I do not mean to be rude and unfeeling but Americans are lucky that for them 9/11 happened only once because in some places like Israel, India, and Iraq suicide bombing is part of their lives both the actual bombing and the fear that one can happen at any time!.As for my reaction at hearing the news I was shocked and upset because I never thought something like this would happen in America because always a symbol of safety!. lets have a moment of silence to the victims of 9/11 because they were victims of somebody else's intense hate!. Israel has a national moment of silence for its victims of terror and i think America should have one too for the victims of 9/11Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say the saddest moment (in so far as a moment is a short amount of time) in world history was the bombing of Hiroshima!. The near instantaneous death of 70,000 people and up to 200,000 in the long-term!. There have been comparable death tolls from natural disasters striking but this was the ultimate culmination of the self-destructive nature of man, hence it is particularly sad in my opinion!. Philosophically it was the formal introduction of a weapon unparalleled in history for its destructive force that may ultimately prove to be responsible for our (near!?) extinction!. I was at work when I heard a plane struck the North Tower and I had the correct gut feeling it was terrorism because of the previous bombing attempt!. I did not expect either tower to collapse however and that was quite shocking to say the least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's certainly not the saddest moment in World history, nor even in US history!. While it was certainly a major event, I would put it in perspective!. More people die every year in automobile accidents in the US than died that day due to the attacks!.

I was lying in bed in Phoenix, just waking up and getting ready for a day of training for my job when the news came on and showed that the one building had been hit!. My thought was!.!.!.wow, how bad a pilot do you have to be to run into a freaking building!?! Then, as my Lady Loves, I and our kids watched, the second plane impacted, and I suddenly understood that it was deliberate!. The Pentagon strike happened before I headed out the door!.

In terms of the saddest days in American history, I figure it ranks well below days like Antietam and Gettysburg, and even below Pearl Harbord!. Less folks died at Pearl than on 9/11, but Pearl was followed by the loss of lives in the Phillipenes, Guam, Wake and the rest, and ended up leading to the loss of some 400,000 American lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was at work, we have TV's in the rooms for patients to watch, so we all saw it while it happened, live!. I was in shock, numb!. We didn't work for a couple days, so I sat in front of the TV absorbed in it all!. A friend that I went to high school passed when the second tower went down!. He left behind a wife and 4 kids!.

Is it the saddest moment in history!?!.!.!. for my lifetime and my memories, yes!. However the history of life is so big and so many things happened, without personally experiencing things like World Wars, The great depression, Spanish flu epidemic etc!.!.!. I just can not say that those are to be overshadowed by 9/11!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Many others as sad have happened!. I was in my last year of college and the whole school shut down!. Then all civil aviation was grounded and the silence was eerie!. It was extremely infuriating!. The bars near campus were packed with students and college employees watching the news over and over!.!.!.!.!.!.To me it was like one of my fathers predictions had come true again!. He long predicted a serious terrorist attack on American soil because we were so over confident!.!.!.!. He saw Pearl Harbor and in a way I am glad he did not live to see 9/11!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was at school!. My mom got me out as early as she could!. My dad works in the city, pretty close to the Twin Towers and he didn't come home for a day!. I remember being really scared and worried for him!. I know people though who weren't as fortunate as I am to still have him here with me!. I don't think it's one of the saddest moments in history though!. Of course worse has happened!. However it's something that will I know will stay with me for the rest of my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember when that happened!.
I was like in 4th or 5th grade!.
I was so confused!.
Everyone was watching the news!.
There was people jumping out of windows, debris, and smoke everywhere!.
I thought it was a clip out of a new movie!.
It seemed so unrealistic!.
Then, I realized that it was real and it was happening in New York, I was so scared!.
I'm still scared, over the past few years after 9/11, L!.A!., California has been at great risk for a terrorist attack!.
I live in L!.A!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, definitely not the saddest in world history (but one of the saddest in US history)!.

Where was I!?

Well, it happened between 5-6 AM pacific time!. I was asleep!. I sleep with my TV on, so sometimes what's on TV creeps into my dreams!. I thought I was dreaming when they said the Twin Towers had been attacked!. But I woke up and there they were smoking!.

It was surreal!. And what was worse, it was pay day! I felt bad going to cash my check, considering all the hell that was going on, but man, I got to eat!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the Holocaust was the saddest moment in history, even though I'm not Jewish!. A staggering amount of lives we lost!.

I remember just coming home from school and seeing the second plane coming in, i remember it very well actually!. An anger filled me and my stomach dropped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was at school (in NYC)!. One of the teachers came up to me to get me to go home because my mom was there!. I was getting pineapple (something I always remember)!. My mom came with my aunt & we walked the 4 miles from my school home (only 20-30 blocks from the WTC)!. It was amazing because people were so much nicer than usual!. It's true that tragedy brings us together!. Many people had their radios blasted really high from their cars to allow people to listen to the news, and people tried to allow people to pack the buses to get home!. I think it is one of the saddest moments of the 21st century!.


You know, when I came to this question, there was 11 answers! Strange, but now there's more!!

Anyway, I had just walked in my grandmother's house, she had to babysit me that day!. I saw it on the news as soon as I walked in!.

I was like "Oh my goodness! What's happening to this world!?"


Incredibly sad, yes, but I doubt it's the saddest moment in world history (probably the saddest moment in many people's lives, though)!.
I was getting ready for school!.!.!. it was very surreal and didn't really sink in for a few hours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You say in world history!? Unfortunately not even in the last 10 years would it count thanks to the genocide in Darfur!.

In American history it's definitely up there, but between wars and genocide the world can easily trump it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think i was in 2nd grade or 3rd grade when it happened!. they announced it over the intercom and all of us started asking a bunch of questions!.

edit: i don't consider it the saddest in all of world history but it deffinetly is up thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was a very sad moment in recent American history, but I don't think you could say it was the saddest ever, just because of all the other tragic things that have happened!.

I was at school when it happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it was a sad moment, but the "saddest" moment in ALL of world history is relative!.

I was visiting family in L!.A!. about two hours from flying back home to the East Coast!. Needless to say, I got a 4 day extra vacation in L!.A!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was in 3rd grade and still in school!. I was wondering why my mom was picking me up from school so early!.

Bush made 9/11 worse than it was!.

It's not the saddest in history, the Holocaust is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say in our time yes!. I was at home watching the Today show!. This was going to be the start of World War 3!.
May the peace of God Continue to comfort the families and friends that lost love ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it wasn't the saddest moment!. But it depends what you mean by "saddest!." Most lives lost!?

Still, I know some people who died on 9/11 and for me it was a sad day indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is definately the saddest moment in recent american history at the very least!. it's probably not the saddest moment in world history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a minor event in world history!.
More Americans are murdered by their fellow citizens in two months than died on 9/11!.
Nobody ever worries about them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think 9/11 was the darkest hour in American history, but I also think 9/11 was its finest hour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not even the "saddest" moment in the 5 years before and after that- For Americans maybeWww@QuestionHome@Com


As sad as that day was, Sept 1, 1939 made a whole lot of people a lot sadder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you kidding!?!? Scumbags all over the world were rejoicing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was at home that morning and it was very scary!. You just didn't know what was going to happen next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
