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Position:Home>History> Any merit to this pattern in US history?

Question: Any merit to this pattern in US history!?
Looking back on US history, I see a pattern involving social upheaval, economics, and two wars, starting around Lincoln, and lasting 30 or 40 years!.

You have harsh conditions, and inflation, followed by a BIG war followed by prosperity, followed by social upheaval and economic downturn during a smaller war, followed by some more prosperity, fololowed by an economic crisis, then another big war!.

It;s more like a 15 -25 year patten, with the wars alternating between big and small!. And maybe alternating between actually a threat, and not really a threat!.

I don;t know!.!.!. From where I stand, it looks like we are in the social upheaval during economic downturn and smaller less critical war part!.!.

We are leaving Iraq in the next few years, the economy will pick up a bit then wobble around for a decade or so, then start to go south again a few years before World War Three!.!. just about 2025!.!.!.

Somebody please tell me I'm crazyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is also a theory tying this kind of thing to the 11-year cycle of the sunspots, which is known to affect crop production!. That cycle repeats roughly twice within the cycle you postulate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK!. Your'e crazy!.
History is no predictor of the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're not crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com