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Position:Home>History> How do I make sense of this? Was my Great Grandmother Austrian or Croatian?

Question: How do I make sense of this!? Was my Great Grandmother Austrian or Croatian!?
I've been told that we were Yugoslavian and Croatian by different family members now I have this record!. I know a lot of changes were going on during those times, but I'm still a little confused!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If he lived in Krsan, which is in Croatia, then he was probably Croatian (there's not much to do in that burg for a foreigner)!. But as it was part of the Austrian Empire he would have had an Austrian nationality, even if his internal Imperial identity papers called him a Croatian!. A bit like you having an American passport while being a Texan or a Californian!.


In 1901 Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire!. So I expect that as far as the immigration officials were concerned, that made her "Austrian"!.

Here's a map of the Austro-Hungarian Empire!. As you can see it included Croatia:


In 1901, those lands were controlled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire!. It's not surprising that a passport from that time would label someone as being from Austria!. It doesn't mean that it's that person's ethnicity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If she was born in Krsan she is probably Croatian although there were Germans, Serbs, Rumanian's, Hungarians and Austrians in that town at that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com