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Position:Home>History> U.S.Supreme Court ruled 2nd Amendment is individual right. doesn't this crea

Question: U!.S!.Supreme Court ruled 2nd Amendment is individual right!. doesn't this create a slippery slope!?
toward long Colt !.45s!?

What about the 13th amendment; Does this mean freed slaves will be able to bear arms!? :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I suspect freedmen are a bit too old to care, but your point is well taken!. The point of gun control laws is to keep uppity minorities in their place!. But the granddaddy is New York's Sullivan Law, which is aimed at those nasty Italians!. I hear they're all members of the Mafia!.

Folks, before you go haywire with your defenses, consider there's such a thing as satire, and take the question (and my answer, too) in the spirit in which intended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all!. They also ruled allowing governments to set achievable standards to purchase a gun!. The DC law outlawed all weapons!. The supreme court said you can't do that each individual in the US is allow to defend his home with a weapon if necessary!. I am against guns but believe that the Supreme Court did the right thing!. The government can not be allowed the right to take away our arms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Todays ruling made law a right that millions of people had assumed was already their right granted by the Constitution!. The scary part of the ruling is that 4 justices actually voted against it!. Overwhelmingly strict gun laws only effect lawful gun owners!. Most crime committed with guns in the US are done using illegal weapons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First get your head straight we all bleed red blood no matter what color our skin is !. Now the slippery is if the people do not have guns when the government tries to make slaves of all of us !. That is why the founder of this country put in the 2nd amendment !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No to the slippery slope, and your refernence to "free slaves" is out of order and insult to all Black-Americans!Www@QuestionHome@Com