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Position:Home>History> I neep help?

Question: I neep help!?
Which of the following is something an ancient Egyptian nobleman and farmer would have had in common!?

Both wore kilts made of coarse linen and reed sandals!.
Both were entertained by musicians and dancing girls!.
Both collected water at the river!.
Both ate a breakfast of bread and fruit!.

According to the geography maps in the British Museum, the archaeological sites of Giza, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings, all had what in common!?

All were pyramids
All were temples
All were found in “black land”
All were in the Nile delta

Which of the following is NOT true of Egyptian religious beliefs about creation!?

Seth killed Osiris, king of the earth!.
In the beginning, there was chaos!.
Horus became king of the earth; Osiris of the underworld!.
The world was created from fire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Both ate a breakfast of bread and fruit!.
2!. All were found in "black land"
3!. The world was created from fire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com