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Position:Home>History> Heubach kopplesdorf?

Question: Heubach kopplesdorf!?
i have a doll i want it dating, can anyone help!?
it has on the back of its head:
Heubach Koppelsdorf
300 9/0

thanks xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Heubach kopplesdorf was only in existence from 1919 till 1939, however production had pretty well wound down between 1928-1930 and the good odds are that your doll was made during the peak production period of 1926-1928!. The 300 series appear to match that timeframe!. I am not a collector but the word on the street is that doll is a popular item!. depending on condition it may fetch somewhere between 150!.00 to 300!.00 usd!. The links give all the history I could find on the net!.
Auf Wiedersehen!Www@QuestionHome@Com