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Position:Home>History> WW2 helmet or WW1 helmet?

Question: WW2 helmet or WW1 helmet!?
im not sure what this helmet is!. at first i thought it was a WW2 British Brodie helmet, but a guy told me it could be a WW1 helmet!. Could you tell me how much it is worth!.

C:\Documents and Settings\Cody\My Documents\My Pictures\WW2 helmetWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its definitely a Brodie, but the question is which war!. Judging by the liner I'd guess it is second world war!. The best way you can tell is to try it on!. If its too small its probably WWI, if it fits its probably WW2!. But to be honest, by looking I'd say its second world war!. That said, the value depends on condition, the market, where you live, etc!. I can't really guess the value, but start checking the market!. Ebay is a good place to do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not sure whether or not it is British, I would have to look at in closer, but that type of helmet was used both in WWI and WWII by US troops!. It was the design of WWI US helmets, the questioning feature that I would have is the inside of the helmet where the strengthening onthe crown is there - I don't remember that from my grandfather's wwI helmet!. As for WWII, it was used in the Pacific by troops who were either there or who were in the service when the War started!. If you find pictures of the battle of Wake Island, you will see them worn there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the badge is original, it is the formation sign of the British first army formed in 1942 for the Allied landings in North Africa (Operation Torch)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 2nd -North Africian TheaterWww@QuestionHome@Com