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Position:Home>History> Who was Archimedes and what did he do?

Question: Who was Archimedes and what did he do!?
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Archimedes was a great Greek mathematician and scientist who lived in Syracuse in Sicily in the Third Century BC!. He is regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time!.

The most famous story told about Archimedes is that once he jumped out of the bath and ran down the street naked shouting “Eureka!” (I’ve found it!)!. He had been trying to figure out how to measure the volume of an object that had an irregular shape (in this case, a crown)!. When he got into the bath, he realised that the volume of the water displaced was exactly equal to the volume of the object placed in the water!. That solved his problem which is why he was so excited!.

Archimedes studied the effects of levers, working out the relationship between distance, the size of the lever and the weight of the object being moved!. He is famous for saying: “Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth!.”

Archimedes also made advances in geometry, calculating the value of Pi and studying the properties of parabolas (curved lines)!.

He was also famous as an inventor!. He invented the Archimedes Screw, a device that is still in standard use today as a pump for lifting water!.

Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier when the Romans conquered Syracuse (although the soldiers were under orders not to harm him)!.


Further information: Archimedes was a native of Syracuse, a Greek city in Sicily which got caught up in the Second Punic War!. When the Romans laid seige to it, Archimedes applied his mathematical genius to its defence!. He designed various defensive machines, the most famous of which was effectively a large hook on a pole with a counterweight!. With this the Syracusans fished Roman warships out of the water, then dropped them, much to the discomfort of their crews!.

The Roman commander gave orders that Archimedes was to be taken alive when the city was finally stormed, but in the confusion he was killed by a Roman soldier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ancient Greek mathematician!. When he got in a bath full of water, he discovered that the bath overflowed!. He then reportedly ran through his home town in the nude, shouting 'Eureka', which is Greek for 'I have found!'
Bit of a nutter if you ask me, but the Archimedes principle of a mass/body displacing it's own weight in water has been very useful for the shipping industry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He came up with a theory of bouncy and displacement of matter by volume!. There is a famous story about how he was taking a bath and the answer came to him!. He jumped out, yelling "Eureka," meaning "I have found it!."

See a previous Yahoo question on this:


famous mathermaticianWww@QuestionHome@Com