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Position:Home>History> Was Anne Boleyn older than her sister Mary?

Question: Was Anne Boleyn older than her sister Mary!?
It is often stated that Mary is older than Anne or Anne older than Mary!. Who is the older Boleyn sister!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mary is older than Anne!. I love everything about that time!. its so cool!. Mary was also "considered" prettier than Anne!. Anne who had darker hair, non-blue eyed, and almond color tone skin!.
Mary had blonde hair was "lighter"

i like learning about how the past changed, now everyone is considered beautiful!.

hope i helped, but if you still want to learn more, then you should read "doomed queen anne"

it is a really good book, and somewhat really romantic!. thats why i read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mary was older than Anne, definitely!. See, because while Anne was spending time in the Netherlands and France, her sister Mary was already a part of the English court of King Henry Vlll!. When Anne came to court as a young woman( she was probably no older than 20), her sister was already the king's mistress!. Now, this could mean either that Mary was a brilliant seductress and managed to capture the king's attention at a young age, or that she was older and had already spent more time at court!.


it's something that is being deliberated by historians right now!. they think that they've found evidence that mary is actually older than anne!.
of course, so many birth records and church records from the time period are not available so it's difficult to come to an exact conclusion!. but typically historians go on context clues from correspondence and historical events and things like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is debatable as to who is the older sister!. In some instances, it is Anne however in reality, it seems to be Mary!. Mary was the one who went to France before Anne and she was also at the English court before Anne was there!. Therefore, she is seen as the older sister however, there is no proof as to say which one was older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is some controversy as to which was older, it has been traditionally accepted that Anne was older, with a birth of somewhere around 1501, while Mary was born around 1509!. Now there is new evidence that suggests that Mary is older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As with Anne herself, it is not known for certain when her two siblings were born, but it seems clear that her sister Mary was older than Anne!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mary was older than Anne!. I've watched the Tudors series with Jonathan Rhys-meyers!. I've also read lots of books on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anne was older, I think by about two years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com