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Position:Home>History> Please help with these 4 questions?

Question: Please help with these 4 questions!?
3!. What was the ultimate goal (purpose) of the 18th Amendment!?
12!. If I wanted to drink alcohol during Prohibition, where would I go!?
19!. What would I want if I asked for "the real McCoy"!?
23!.What would I be making if I was cooking "tarantula juice" and some "coffin varnish"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
3!. To rid America of the evils of intoxication!.

12!. A speakeasy!.

19!. Good bootleg rum or whiskey according to:

23!.Cheap or low grade whiskey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

3!. It was to stop people from abusing alcohol!.

12!. You would go to a talked-about club that sold liquor!.

19!. !?

23!. Alcohol!.


I think 19 is who really committed a crime (or just did something wrong)Www@QuestionHome@Com